Betrayal of Islamic Priority and the Infrastructure of Failure
- Posted by Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal
- Posted on December 25, 2018
- আর্ন্তজাতিক
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The priority –
The core belief (iman) of a man never remain obscure or hidden; rather gets expressed with precision through the priority of his survival. In fact, iman of a believer works through setting the priority –the most important issue in life. In absence of iman, one fails to discover the right priority; hence runs the risk of total failure of all survival efforts. Such a man also runs the risks of becoming a mercenary for the worst evil forces on earth; as a result, earns a place in hellfire. A believer’s sole priority is to please Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’lais by serving His agenda on earth that entails the victory of Islam -His only prescribed religion, over the religions of falsehood. He even shows his readiness to sacrifice his life. A believer thus works as His helper (ansarAllah) to free people from the roads to hellfire. Only this way, a believer can serve his own agenda of earning forgiveness from his Lord and attaining a place in the paradise. Such a core priority plays the pivotal role in deciding his priorities in politics, culture, education, warfare and other aspects of life. As a result, a believer is qualitatively different from a disbeliever. Instead of floating with the cultural, ideological or political tide, he remains tightly anchored to his own core agenda.
For a true Muslim, mere faith and faith-based rituals are not enough. He must know the priorities of Islam, too; and needs to embrace those priorities as his own. His incongruence or incompatibility with the Islamic priorities gives clear evidence that no longer he belongs to the Muslim ummah. This is a clear mark of de-islamisation. Such a de-islamised man shows his ideological and cultural readiness to join the enemy rank and make war against the Muslims. Because of such de-islamised people, the evil ideologies like communism, socialism, nationalism, tribalism, secularism, monarchism could recruit millions of readymade mercenaries from the Muslim communities. The colonialist cum imperialists of the West, too, could raise hundreds of thousands of mercenaries from these people. They fought wars and gave lives to strengthen the infidel occupation of the Muslim lands. Such crimes still continue. In Islam, such home-grown enemies of Islam are called murtadh; in the prophet’s (peace be upon him) days the sharia law was applied to give them the capital punishment.
Instead of tribal, racial or linguistic commonness, the common faith, the common vision and the common priority united the Muslims in their golden days. Hence, the concept of nation state was unknown in more than thirteen hundred years of the Islamic history. The disease of the Western ideologies could infect the Muslims only after the colonial occupation.
Understanding of the Islamic priority runs very low in the Muslim World. Whereas success never comes from prioritisation of the wrong and the unimportant things. In the name of Islam, building mosques, religious madrasas, schools and colleges still receives the highest priority. But the question arises, is it the right priority for the Muslims to build more mosques, more schools and more universities? The Muslims now possess thousand times more mosques and schools than they had at their golden days. They have more PhD’s and university graduates than the USA or China had at the time of their economic take off. In fact, the priority should be exactly the same as the prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) had 14 hundred years ago. It is to build a fully Islamic state. After his death, the rightly guided companions of the prophet (peace be upon him) worked hard and sacrificed a lot as his khalifa (viceroy) to give strong sustenance to the prophet’s state. It continued as the Islamic Caliphate in later days.
It is very significant to note that the prophet (peace be upon him) of Islam didn’t build a single mosque or madrasah during his initial 13 years of prophet hood in Mecca. Then, the main focus was to build war-ready enlightened soldiers who will be ready to sacrifice their life, wealth and every potential to establish and protect the state. For that, the prophet (peace be upon him) was an all-time teacher, model and mentor for the Meccan Muslims. Hence, his companion never said like the companions of Prophet Musa (peace be upon him), “O Musa! Go ahead with your God to fight for us, we stay here only to wait.” The prophet (peace be upon him) never failed to anticipate such indispensable wars –as happened in Badar, Ohud, Hunayun and many other places, even before the inception of the state.
The danger & the way-out
In a non-Muslim or un-Islamic state, one gets little opportunity to know Islam. Nor can practise Islam fully. More awfully, runs the risk of melt-down in a hostile political, cultural and ideological milieu. As a result, the hellfire becomes the ultimate abode. The western countries have indeed shown their strength as a powerful melting pot. It is the case not only in a Western or non-Muslim country; a Muslim country under the infidel or the secularist occupation also present with the same consequence. To be a true Muslim, like foods and drinks, it also needs inputs and throughputs from Islamic value-adding institutions. He or she needs to go through a refining process of Islam’s own educational and cultural system. To ensure such an environment of Islamic enrichment and to protect the ummah from an ideological cum cultural melt-down, the prophet (peace be upon him) of Islam and his rightly guided companions needed to establish an Islamic state from day one. It is indeed the greatest wisdom and the most important sunnah of the prophet (peace be upon him). It is also a Qur’anic obligation. In the whole history of Islam, it proved to be the most costly project. And it is also the most beneficial project for the whole mankind. To defend such a crucial institution, more than 70 percent of the prophet (peace be upon him)’s companions needed to sacrifice their lives.
However, whatever massive has been the cost, the benefits of such an Islamic caliphate is immensely huge. No man or institution can approach near to its achievement. In the whole human history, it is the only model of civilizational excellence. The early Muslims could reach the highest civilizational peak only due to this massive humanising project on earth; not due to its millions of mosques or monuments. The survival of Islam, the continuation of the prophetic mission, the security of the Muslims’ lives and the sustenance of Muslims’ glory through centuries were only possible through such a supportive structure of caliphate. One can feel the importance of oxygen only when he runs out of it. The same is true with an Islamic caliphate. In its absence, the Muslims now suffer from relentless calamities. Such an institutional collapse of the Muslims and divisions of the ummah into 57 states have indeed given birth to a perfect recipe for endless catastrophe. The demographic surge of the Muslims, the huge number of mosques, madrasas and industries, the bulging per capita income of some Arab States and even the nuclear bombs of Pakistan couldn’t work as the substitute of the Islamic caliphate. The collapse of khelafa has indeed precipitated the collapse of the Muslim ummah as a civilizational force. The fall-out of such a collapse has been so awful that it made almost 1.5 billion Muslims the real orphans. The Hindu’s have India, the Christians have the USA, the Chinese have China, the Jews have Israel; but the Muslims have none. In absence of such a civilizational core state, the Muslims in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Myanmar, Chechnya, Palestine, Xinxiang and many other parts of the world now suffer from extreme persecution, humiliation and deaths.
Survival without a mission!
It needs little evidence to prove that Islam can’t be fully practised in a non-Muslim state. It is equally true in a Muslim state under the enemy occupation. The ruling clique of the non-Muslim and the un-Islamic countries never allows any space to practise sharia, hudud, shura and jihad. How one can be a true Muslim without practising these fundamentals? Enjoining the right (a’maru bil ma’ruf) and eradicating the wrongs (nehi anil mukar) are the two-prong mission that has been Divinely assigned on every Muslim to help attain the highest rank on earth and in the hereafter –as has been revealed in Sura al-Imran, verse 110. Only through engaging in such a mission, a believer can prove himself a true helper unto Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. A believer then turns to a tool to fulfil His Vision that Islam should prevail over all other religions. (The famous Qur’an narrative of the Vision: li’yuzhirahu ala’ddini kullihi). But under enemy occupation, it is legally allowed only to be the helper of the occupying forces; any visible pursuance of an Islamic mission is considered a punishable offence.
In a non-Muslim or un-Islamic country, truly, a Muslim is allowed to survive only with a detachment from the Qur’anic decree. Therefore, he has to live without Islam’s mission and vision. This is why migration from a kuffar land to an Islamic country received so much important in Islam. Hence, the migration of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions from Mecca to Medina received recognition as the most important milestone in the civilizational growth of Islam. The beginning of the Islamic calendar from the year of migration indeed gave the full recognition to this point. In fact, only after the establishment of an Islamic caliphate, the Muslims could enjoy a safe premise to practise full Islam. Only such a big state can provide the infrastructural strength in fulfilling the Islamic obligation to help prevail Islam over the falsehood. And only such a pan-Islamic state can help dismantle the divisive walls raised in the name of land, language, race and ethnicity. Hence, absence of such a core Islamic state precipitates the worst catastrophic consequence: the Muslims are then forced to live without full Islam. They are forced to reconcile even with the imposed occupation, deaths, destruction, deviation and ideological cum cultural corruptions of the Muslim lands.
The punishing void
For a civilizational growth of a human, a constant nurture in a value-adding institutional environment is indispensable. Family, mosques, madrasas, schools and the cultural cum educational milieu of the country constitute the essential parts of such a value adding process. In absence of such institutions, the risk of moral, cultural and spiritual deprivation and death is immense. In fact, in such an institutional void, men and women even with the physical fitness turn equal and even inferior to the animals –as has been stated in the holy Qur’an. (The Qur’anic expression: ulaika k’al an’am, bal hum adal. Meaning: they are like the animal, rather worse than that). The naked men and women who live like animals in the jungles of Nicobar Island or Papua New Guinea, are indeed the products of such institutional void. Physically and genetically they resemble a man or woman; but they can’t fit in a human society. Instead, they show more compatibility with the fellow animals. When they see men and women in their near vicinity, these fellow members of the same human species quickly disappear into the forest –as shown in documentaries on their life. It reinforces the notion that meeting mere bodily needs doesn’t make people true human. The moral, educational, cultural and spiritual needs to be adequately addressed, too. For that, in the field of education and culture, a value-adding vast infrastructure must be in place to constantly build and strengthen the humane, moral and spiritual ingredients of every man and woman. Otherwise, they run the grave risk of moral death.
The magic state power
Family, community, mosques, schools and colleges have their invaluable importance as the value-adding institutions. But none of these is equal or superior to state and its powerful infrastructure. State is the most powerful institution on earth that can add ultimate humanising or dehumanising factors to humans. The occupying force of a state can easily undo the influence of other social and religious institutions. Millions of mosques or madrasas are helpless to encounter the influence of the state power. Even mosques and madrasas can be turned into pubs, clubs, stables or fodder stores –as happened in Soviet Russia and China during the communist era. If any state power falls in the hand of evil forces, they can cause unimaginable havoc on earth. Not only can they drop nuclear bombs and turns cities into rubbles, but also can endorse the worst criminals as god in the public life –as happened at the hand Pharaoh and Nimrod. The magic of state power doesn’t end here; it can even approve the most scandalous crimes in the name of religion. It can indoctrinate people even in believing the most unbelievable. Cow, snake or idol worshipping pagan belief is indeed the product of such state-sponsored indoctrination.
Such manipulative state power can even turn the societal space more harmful than jungles. The animals never persuade people in worshiping snakes, cows or idols: therefore do not guide people to hellfire. Nor do they promote a tyrant killer like Pharaoh to the label of a god. In fact, the most harmful evil creatures on earth were not born in jungles, rather in states run by the people like Pharaoh, Hitler, Stalin, Bush or Putin. The state institutions then work as the largest evil industry to produce the most murderous people in an industrial scale. Occupying states, colonising countries, running gas chambers and dropping nuclear bombs, cluster bombs, barrel bombs or chemical bombs then become the acceptable norms. Such evil states become the tools for making more devastating wars, World Wars, genocidal massacres, ethnic cleansing and mindless exploitation. The states then work as a massive machine to mould people as cheerleaders or enthusiastic voters even for the worst killers on earth.
The task of promoting and protecting moral and spiritual health of humans is so heavy that it can’t be accomplished by some individuals, parties or groups. Nor could be done mere at homes, mosques or madrasas. Islamisation of people is unattainable without full islamisation of the state and its institutions; both must go parallel to each other. Otherwise the state and the people those who run the state go in the reverse direction together. Therefore, nothing can be more important than islamisation of state. Such an extreme sociological cum political necessity has also been emphasized in the holy Qur’an; and was an inseparable part of the prophet’s (peace be upon him) sunnah. Building an Islamic state is indeed the greatest and the most distinctive legacy of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). In fact, the huge success of the early Muslims owes greatly to the contribution of such a powerful Islamic state. Only through such a state, Islam could emerge as the most powerful civilizational force on earth; and within a short span of time, the Muslims could raise a powerful core state to promote Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la’s agenda both at home and abroad. No other faith or religion, nor even the great prophets like Musa (peace be upon him) or Isa (peace be upon him) could build such a state. As a result, they couldn’t build any civilisation either. For the same reason, Buddha failed too.
The highest piety
For building a higher civilisation, it needs inclusive involvement of all the state and non-state actors and the institutions. To accomplish such a highest act of piety, it also needs indispensable inputs from All-knowing Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. Such Divine inputs are made available through the revealed Books. And, in such an endeavour of state-building, all the believing men and women need to be fully mobilised and engaged –as happened in the days of prophet (peace be upon him). It is indeed a binding obligation on them. Therefore, for a Muslim, remaining inactive or unengaged is not an option. In fact, success or failure of the ummah in raising such an Islamic state and civilisation depends on the level of people’s involvement. In such an islamising endeavour, the entire state establishment with all of its leaders, institutions and manpower must play the coordinating, mobilising and leadership role. Otherwise, all efforts meet failure. In prophet’s days, not a single believer remained inactive or disengaged from it. Any form of disengagement was known as a marker of disbelief (kufr) or hypocrisy (munafiqat). No other sector demanded such a massive investment of time, energy, wealth and human lives than building the Islamic state; most of the companions needed to sacrifice their life. On the other hand, in absence of Islamic state building endeavour, the people don’t sit idle. They engage in doing the opposites: they fight for the mutual destruction -as happening now in the Muslim World. As a result, instead of moving forward, the people go quickly downhill.
Building hospitals, high ways, farms, fisheries or industries are definitely good deeds. But such economic or welfare works do not add any moral highness to anyone. Nor does it add any guidance to save people from hellfire. But the fate of the mankind is decided elsewhere. It is the Divine state building for the Divine purpose of enjoining the right and eradicating the wrong. The Muslim countries now have thousands of hospitals, high ways, farms, fisheries and industries. They have nuclear bombs, too. But that didn’t help them emerge as a civilizational moral force on earth. Neither did that add an iota of glory to the Muslims on the world stage. The Muslims built 57 national or tribal states, each with a different map and flag. But none of these state has any humanising or islamising role. The islamising or humanising objective of Islam can never be achieved by a national or tribal state; rather such states are fully incompatible with Islam’s core agenda. Such states can’t match with the Vision of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. This is the greatest calamity of the secular, tribal and nationalist states that swarm in the Muslim World. Such a state leads its people to a total failure in the hereafter; it indeed works as a fast moving train on a satanic track to the hellfire. Whereas, the Muslims should set the state-craft on the siratul mustaqeem; only then, the state can help people moving towards paradise. Then, it does the greatest benefit to its citizens. It is indeed the real blessing of an Islamic state. Can any amount of other material or social benefits can match such benefit in the hereafter? Therefore, what else can be the act of highest piety than building an Islamic state? It is awful that such a distinctive difference between an Islamic and a non-Islamic state mostly goes unnoticed by the Muslims due to hostile propaganda of the evil forces!
The infrastructure of failure
Civilisation can’t be built on a small patch of tribal or national landscape; it requires a much bigger trans-national and trans-ethnic territory. So, tribalism and nationalism have no place in Islam. Hence, it is a civilizational need to abolish the restrictive tribal, ethnic or national boundaries. So, the early Muslims didn’t delay for a single day in dismantling the tribal, geographical or linguistic walls of separation; they quickly went far beyond the boundary of Arabian Peninsula. But the priority of the leaders of a national and tribal state is different; they search even for the faintest line of divisions among people on tribal and ethnic pretext and fortify the divisions. They totally ignore the Qur’anic decree that such division is forbidden in Islam. Due to such deviant leaders, the Islam’s heart land of the Middle East is divided into more than 20 tribal states. Thus, they have successfully restricted the growth of pan-Islamic world power. In fact, such tribal states stand as the greatest obstacle against the emergence of a united ummah; and work as the perfect recipe for further failure and catastrophe. To continue with the project for destroying the Muslim cities into rubbles, they have forged close coalition with the known enemies of Islam who dismantled the khilafa in the past and mutilated the Muslim heart land into pieces. Therefore, the US, the French, the British and the Russian bomber jets enjoy the full freedom in the sky of the Muslim World to bomb any Muslim city they like. Due to such a narrow and restrictive world view of these tribal rulers and their absolute opportunism, the civilizational growth of the Muslim ummah now meets with a total failure. Although the Muslims could create 57 states, but failed very awfully to build a single core civilizational state. This is the greatest and the ugliest failure of the Muslim ummah. Here lies the core pathology of all political, cultural, ideological and civilizational failure of the Islamic world. And how can one imagine that such a criminal failure of the ummah will ever go unpunished in hereafter?
Only by building a true Islamic state, a Muslim can discharge his obligatory mission of enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong. Otherwise, sharia survives only in books –as happened in the case of Divine laws revealed to the prophet Musa (peace be upon him). Therefore, what else could be best good deed than engaging in Islamic state building jihad? The greatest wisdom of the early Muslims lies in the fact that they could clearly understand the crucial importance of an Islamic state. Hence, even in the tiny Muslim community of Arabia, there was no shortage of people to sacrifice their wealth and lives to make it a great success. In fact, except few physically disabled persons, none remained away from the continuous jihad of Islamic state building. This is why the companions of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are labelled as the best people of the whole human history. It is indeed the holiest deed on earth. Whoever gets killed in the making and defending such a state is called shaheed. And a shaheed has a special place in Islam; they gets direct entry to paradise without facing any accountability in the day of judgement. The Almighty Lord gets so much pleased with their self-sacrificing deed that they are given food and drink even after their death –as promised in the holy Qur’an.
The best model
In the holy Qur’an, the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has been labelled as the best model (us’watun hasana) for the whole mankind. His distinctiveness from other prophets lies in his great success as a state and civilisation builder. In annals of human history, there is no shortage people who utter wonderful words on equality, justice, human rights and higher values; but they couldn’t put those words into practice. But Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon) is the only exception. He laid the foundation of a trans-ethnic civilizational state; and framed its judiciary, administration and the welfare system based on equality and justice. So no one was discriminated based on his or her skin colour, race or social identity. He raised Islam not only as a faith, but also as the most powerful civilising force on earth that could mould people’s belief, culture, law and warfare according to the Divine guidance. There exist civilisations like the Western, the Chinese, the Hindu and the Japanese ones; but none of these are based on the Divine guidance. All these civilisations are based on pagan or idiosyncratic notions on the creation of the world, laws, lives, states, societies, caste and others. Since prophet Musa (peace be upon him) or Jesus (peace be upon him) couldn’t build any state, hence the Jews and the Christians stand in darkness vis-à-vis guidance on state building and running its judiciary, warfare or administration. So, like any unguided ignorant human, they invented scores of evil ideologies to find some ways in the darkness. So, the Judo-Christian world could easily be the fertile breeding grounds for racism, slavery, nationalism, fascism, Nazism, capitalism, colonialism, communism, imperialism and other highly toxic ideologies. As a consequence, they could cause horrific havoc on earth by causing wars of occupation, ethnic cleansing, slave trading and mass scale hijacking of non-white people to feed their slave markets. They could also set a new level of cruel barbarity by creating gas chambers, making holocausts, creating World Wars and dropping nuclear bombs. In the name of culture, religious festivals, they could blend the Greek and Roman paganism with their corrupt perception of Christianity and Judaism. In the whole human history, Islam is the only religion that could purge the ancient pagan ignorance from the statecraft, religious practices and culture; and could raise a civilisation based on Divine laws and guidance. Hence, the distinctive superiority of Islamic civilisation does not rest on its grand mosques, minarets, cities, gardens, public baths, dresses, costumes, potteries and arts; rather the most defining features are its Divine laws (sharia), the nourishing cultures, the enlightening education, the ethnic tolerance and the universal cosmopolitanism. They could conquer huge expanses of lands, but unlike others they didn’t cause holocausts or ethnic cleansing for making space exclusively for them. Instead, they preferred remaining religious minorities in the newly conquered lands for hundreds of years –as seen in the Balkan, Spain, Africa and India. 25/10/16
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