Category Archives: English

The Hindutva Fascists & the Road towards Disintegration of India

Annihilation of the conceptual premise A state can sustain its geopolitical solidarity only on a solid conceptual premise. The conceptual collapse can only precipitate its rapid disintegration. Pakistan was created on an intense pan-Islamic zeal of the Muslims of different Indian states and languages. But in 1971, the country disintegrated as it lost its conceptual […]

The Hindutva Fascists & the Malice

Like a virus, toxic ideologies never remain confined within the geographical or political borders. It quickly spreads and gets followers beyond the border. The same is exactly true for India’s Hindutva fascism. Fascism has its robust diagnostic symptoms. The fascists keep a constant watch on their ideological enemies and show the virulence. If anyone tells […]

Political, religious & demographic dynamics in South Asia & threatened co-existence of people with pluralities

The myth of ‘Rising Asia’ & the reality  ‘Rising Asia’ now runs like a myth in many Asian and non-Asian countries. But such a myth hides many awful realities. The case of ‘rising Europe’ in the past with its mighty economy, military and technology provides valuable insights to analyze the so-called myth of ‘rising Asia’. […]

The Global Terrorism and the Muslims

The terrorising war of the imperialists Terrorism has a precise dictionary meaning. It is the use of weapons to fill people’s minds with terror for political or monetary gain. The terrorising power of a weapon depends directly and proportionately on its destructive power. So, the terror of a knife-wielding robber can’t match with the terror […]

The Importance of Education and the Muslims’ Failure

First thing first For any success, the first thing must be done first. But what is the first thing that needs to be done first? It is none but education. It is indeed the greatest Sunnah of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la (SWT) that He did the first thing first to help humans to attain the […]

The Disconnection from Allah (SWT) & the Calamity

The connectivity from Allah SWT: the most crucial issue The most important objective of Islam is to connect men and women with the All-Powerful and the All-Merciful Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la (SWT). Only this way Islam brings the greatest blessing of the Almighty Allah SWT to mankind. Since such a connection is the only way […]

Tsunami of secularism in the Muslim World and the damage

Secularism: the vile ideology Secularism stands inimical to the whole project of Islam. Although claim to be Muslim, the secularists in the Muslim World are the real distractors from the Divine vision, mission, and roadmap. In the golden days of Islam, the Muslims could stand united to promote Islamic vision only because of the strong […]

Islam’s Recipe for the Glory & the Betrayal

 The past glory Islam’s main focus is to guide humans towards attaining the successes both here and in the hereafter. For that, Islam considers man’s conceptual, moral, spiritual and behavioral purification as the most important issue in life. Men and women engage in doing good deeds and detest doing bad deeds only after such a […]

The Educational Failure of the Muslims

The worst sin                                                             Knowledge works as the most powerful and the most decisive tool in transforming humans’ belief, behavior, character, culture, and fate. It decides the fate of humans’ destiny not only on the earth but also in the hereafter. On the other hand, ignorance works as the most unsurmountable barrier against peace, truth, justice, […]

The Downfall of the Muslims & the Calamities

 An overview Every downfall of civilization has its catastrophic calamities. The Muslims are now tasting the worst parts of it. Allah SWT has His set rules; He never helps those who decide not to change themselves and take a downhill course. Whereas, whenever they raise their heads for Allah SWT’s cause, Allah SWT comes to […]