Category Archives: English

The Indian War on Muslims

The Hindutva war The worst devastations in human history are not caused by earthquakes, cyclones or tsunamis. These owe to wars -the crimes exclusively done by the humans. Only in two World Wars 75 million people are killed. After the World Wars, millions are killed in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria; and the killing continues. […]

Indian Pride & the Crimes of the Hindutva Fascists

The fake pride & the reality The Indian Hindus are very proud of their race, religion, culture, science and democracy. Such pride indeed forms the basis of the ongoing surge of Hindu supremacism in Indian politics. They boastfully claim that Hindu religion is the most ancient religion in human history. There is no doubt about […]

Face to Face with the Indian Muslims

(Note: The writer visited India several times; has visited Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Jaipur, Agra, Azmir and travelled through the states of West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. The article is based on personal observations, Indian media inputs and face-to-face talks).  The Muslim-phobia & the disbelief In 2001 census, 13.4 percent of the Indians were […]

Murder of President Morsi & Death of Democracy in Egypt

The premeditated murder Allowing an ill person to die in prison without medical care is itself a homicidal crime. Such death is never called natural death, rather a deliberate murder. It is indeed a horrendous punishable crime; those who are responsible for it must face the punishment. Such a crime has exactly been committed against […]

The Objective of Ramadan & the Muslims’ Failure

Assigned role and the failure Significance of Ramadan can only be fully understood with the proper understanding of the purpose of human creation. The sole objective of Ramadan is to make believers intensely focussed cum engaged to that Divine objective; and such a relentless adherence to that objective is indeed the true expression of true […]

The Indian Election: The Hindu Supremacists Got the Mandate

Moral darkness exposed The real mind of the people speaks loudly in the general election of a country. So, the recent election in India gives an explicit expression of the Hindu supremacist agenda of its people. It has indeed nakedly exposed the moral darkness and the hateful sick minds of the Indian voters. The voters […]

The Global Terrorism against the Muslims & the Consequence

The terrorising war of the imperialists Terrorism has a precise dictionary meaning. It is the use of weapons to fill people’s minds with terror for political or monetary gain. The terrorising power of a weapon depends directly and proportionately on its destructive power. So, the terror of a knife-wielding robber can’t match with the terror […]

The Cost of Independence & the Evil of Surrender

The most costly enterprise Freedom or independence has never been attained free of cost. It is indeed the most costly entitlement in human life. It needs sacrifice of money, life and all forms of physical and intellectual abilities. One and half million Algerians needed to sacrifice their lives to attain independence from the French colonial […]

Demilitarisation of the Muslim Ummah & the Worsening Calamity

The strategy of demilitarisation & the occupation The massive militarisation of Islam’s enemies and the strict demilitarisation of the Muslim ummah are indeed the old two-prong enemy strategy that the Muslims are facing for centuries. Since the colonial takeover, its implementation has got highly intensified. The current occupation of the Muslim World by the western […]

The Wild White Racism & the Mass Killing in New Zealand

The pure evil & the calamity The Australian senator Frazer Anning has quickly discovered the cause of man slaughter of 45 people in 2 mosques in Christchurch. He blames the increasing presence of Muslims in New Zealand as the cause of such a massacre! He argues: if there was no Muslim, there wouldn’t be any […]