Category Archives: English

The Issue of Islamic State & the Muslims’ Forgotten Priority

The greatest good deed Any good deed -like building houses, hospitals, roads and industries for people, is definitely a good deed. Providing jobs, giving charity and protecting men and women from thieves and killers are also laudable good deeds. But the greatest good deed is to release people from the path of hell and guide […]

The Fascist Occupation & the Tragedies in the Muslim World

The foreign fascists & the crime Literally, fascism is an autocratic system of ruling by possessing all political power in one hand and by brutal annihilation of all forms of opposition and criticism. It is an extreme form totalitarianism; it makes shameless mockery of election, judiciary and prosecution. What robbers and thieves commit in darkness, […]

The Imperialists’ War Coalition & the Calamity of Moral Death

The coalition in crime             The Muslims now face one of the most critical crisis in the history. Deaths and destruction abound everywhere. Alavi Shia regime of President Bashar al Assad in Syria and the pro-Iran Shia regime in Iraq are relentlessly engaged in killing the Sunni Muslims and destruction of Islam’s historic heart […]

The Clash of Islamists and the Imperialists

The clash and the ideological basis  Secularism is an ideology that has its own conceptual paradigm. Secularism can’t survive in a milieu where Islam dominates with it full ideological, cultural and civilisational aims. Hence the clash of Islamists and the imperialists is not a subject of the past, rather an all-time reality –especially in the […]

The 21st Century Crusade & Emiratisation of the Muslim World

The gazaisation                                                 The Muslim Ummah now stands hostage to a new level of military aggression, occupation, deaths and destruction –as the people of besieged Gaza are suffering for more than a decade. The Israeli model of brutal gazaisation has its own admirers and perpetrators. The model is now replicated in many parts of the Muslim […]

Terrorism of the Secularist Fascists & the Unending War

The cradle of holocausts The West –especially Europe has proven to be the fertile breeding ground of evil ideologies that brought holocausts to millions of people. Adolf Hitler was not the only European to cause holocaust; he had many more European predecessors to cause scores of catastrophic holocausts all over the world -especially on the […]

Misplaced Priority of the Muslims and the Downfall

The misplaced priority The core belief (iman) of a man never remain obscure or hidden; rather gets exactly expressed through his priority of survival. In fact, both the believers (mu’min) and the disbelievers (kafir) appear in true colour through their distinctive priorities. Iman of a believer (mu’min) indeed works through setting the right priority –the […]

Civilizational War of the West

The West’s war The British occupation of Iraq and Palestine in 1917, the French occupation of Syria in the same year of 1917, the US occupation of Afghanistan in 2001, the US-lead joint occupation of Iraq in 2003 and the current bombing in Syria. Libya, Yemen and Somalia are indeed the parts of the same […]

Absence of Khilafa and the Culture of Mercenarism

The ultimate calamity The absence of khelafa has its most disastrous consequence. In its absence, the other institutions can’t work rightly for an Islamic cause. Then, even the mosques, madrasas, schools and universities become the fertile breeding grounds for Islam’s enemies. One can see the grotesque failure of such institutions of the Muslim World. Both […]

Conceptual Crisis of the Muslims

The crucial question Every Muslim must reflect on a serious and crucial question. If the last prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) would have returned back to the Muslim World and started his jihad for reviving sharia, hudud, khilafa and unity what would have been their own role? Do they possess the moral competence […]