Category Archives: English

Absence of Muslims’ Core Civilizational State & the Fall-out

The recipe for unending catastrophe Whatever massive is the cost of establishing a core Islamic civilization state –the Islamic Khilafa, the benefits are immense. The human history has been witness to enormous benefits of such a state in the past. No state or institution could match its contribution. In the whole span of human history, […]

The Civilizational Failure of the Mankind

The West’s continuous failure & Islam’s early success Civilisation doesn’t entail mere making huge sates or kingdoms. Nor is it raising pyramids, palaces, buildings, statues or huge walls. Rather, it is about nurturing higher values, establishing rule of just law, abolishing inequality, slavery and crime. It is about eradicating practice of paganism and ignorance (jaheliya). […]

Betrayal of Islam & the Infrastructure of Failure

The betrayal Islam has its own mission, vision and objectives; there is no obscurity or ambiguity on these basics. To be a true Muslim, one needs to be strictly life-long adherent to those Islamic mission, vision and objectives. Otherwise, he or she becomes a kafir (disbeliever) or a munaifiq (hypocrite). According to Islam, the worst […]

Sufferings of the Rohingya Muslims & The UN Policy of Palliation

    Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal  Bangladesh government’s deception Bangladesh Foreign Minister Mr Mahmood Ali met with Mayanmar minister U Kaye Tin Swe on 2nd October in Dhaka. He was Aung San Suu Kyi’s envoy to the Bangladesh Government. After the meeting, Mr Mahmood Ali told the press that Rohingya issue can be solved bilaterally […]

The Victims of Pure Genocide

The pure genocide “Genocide” is the cruellest and the most violent form of crime against humanity. It targets people for arson, rape, torture and total annihilation purely based on race, religion, and language. Therefore, no one needs to do any wrong for becoming the definitive target of genocide. His or her faith, race, language or […]

Why Should the Muslims Participate in Elections?

Power of votes and the old debate A debate on election has divided the already divided Muslim community in the UK. Some groups have labelled it haram – a divine prohibition. They have proclaimed fatwas that any participation in elections is shirk. Their central point is based on the argument that Allah (SWT) is the only lawmaker, and so Muslims cannot take […]

The Most Important Issue in Life

How important is the important issue? Like a piece of melting ice, our expected days of life are shrinking each day. But surprisingly, many people live and end this life without knowing its ultimate purpose! They even don’t know the most important issue of life! They exactly resemble a man who drives his car days […]

Face to Face with the Indian Muslims

The disbelief According to 2001 census, 15% of the Indians are Muslims. But most of the Indian Muslims do not believe this official figure. They think it skilfully manipulated to serve their political purpose. The Hindu ruling clique strongly feels that a higher figure will generate more sense of deprivation; and may cause more unrest […]

Appeasing a Criminal & the Crime of Prime Minister Imran Khan

Muhammad bin Salman: the criminal gang leader Muhammad bin Salman -the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia has proven to be one of the worst criminals on earth. And, it is the shame of the whole Muslim Ummah that the holy land of Islam is under the occupation of such a criminal. Hence, Shaitan and his […]

The Muslims’ Past Glory & the Current Downfall: A Short Review

The victory & the precondition The history is very revealing to tell how Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la brought victory to a small Army of the believers against a huge Army of the evil forces. The believers’ investment of time, talent, wealth and life in His Way doesn’t work alone; the Almighty Allah’s own investment also […]