Category Archives: English

Monopolisation of War & the Neo-colonisation in the Muslim World

Imposed wars & the subjugation The US or the European citizens exercise the right to carry weapons anywhere in Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Syria, Mali and many more Muslim countries. They even set military bases in those countries; and seek no permission from anybody to kill anyone there. Rather, they are the people […]

The Ideological Meltdown of Pakistan

The betrayal After the conquest of Delhi in late 12th century by Muhammad Ghouri, the creation of Pakistan is the most important event in the Muslim history of South Asia. The inspiration for such a great achievement came from no other source or individual but from the holy Qur’an –the fundamental source of all inspirations […]

How to Save Our Souls from Hellfire? Part- 6

The highway to heaven Mere pronouncement of faith in Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la and in His religion doesn’t do any good for any individual, nor for any society. Faith needs to be fully transferred into action, otherwise it is meaningless. And the best form of transformation of faith is jihad. Jihad then brings huge revolution […]

How to Save Our Souls from Hellfire? Part 5

Muslimness: the key To get saved from hellfire, the complete muslimness is the prime requisite. Muslimness means full submissiveness to Almighty Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. It is the key to paradise. Here comes the stern warning: “O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and do not die unless you are Muslim”–(Sura […]

How to Save Our Souls from Hellfire? Part 4

The crisis in moral immunity Every man and woman has to live in a physical as well an ideological environment. Both the environments are infested with serious killer diseases. The physical illness kills the body; and the ideological illness kills the soul. Cholera, typhoid, pneumonia, malaria, cancer, stroke, AIDS are the examples of a few […]

How to Save Our Souls from Hellfire? Part-1

Deciding the final abode Each man and woman enjoys the full freedom to select any one of the two final destinations -one in heaven and the other in hellfire. There is no third endpoint. Each of these two final abodes has its own distinctive roadmap. The life that ends in hellfire meets the ultimate failure. […]

How to Save Our Souls from Hellfire? Part-3

Planning for the failure! Those who can’t plan for success, they plan only for failure. For failure, one need not seek any knowledge or skill; it thrives amidst ignorance. And the failure is about the eternal failure in the hereafter. The seed of such infinite failure is sowed during the short worldly life. Manufacturing such […]

How to Save Our Souls from Hellfire? Part-2

Planning for the hereafter For any gain, it needs good planning and its full execution. In life, no gain is effort-free, pain-free or cost-free. People work hard, invest money, spend long years, and even fight bloody wars for worldly gains. But such gains are very short-lived. Sometimes one may not achieve any gain either; all […]

Consequence of Losing an Ideological War: The Case of Pakistan

 Construction and de-construction of the ideology of Pakistan During the final days of the British colonial rule, the Muslims of South Asia –the largest Muslim population in the world, became imbued with a great dream to build an Islamic state. Dismantling of Osmania Khilafa both by the British imperialists and the Turkish secularists intensified such […]

The War of Ideas

Violence against ideas The US President Barak Obama had his recent European tour. In Brussels, he delivered a lecture in Palais Des Beaux-Arts.  He told his elitist audience, “We must meet the challenges to our ideas and our international order with strength and conviction.”–(The Guardian, 31.03.14). In the context of recent exacerbation of cold-war polarisation, […]