Category Archives: English

Muslims’ Failure in Education

The Greatest Sin Knowledge plays the most crucial role in transforming man’s fate: both here and in the hereafter. And ignorance works as the most devastating curse, and its consequences are extremely awful. Knowledge gives light, and ignorance brings darkness. People deny Allah, His guidance and His prophets and get deviated from the right path […]

Global Coalition against the Revival of Khilafa

Why war against khilafa? The last prophet of Islam (pbuh) not only preached the Divine Truth, but also established an all-inclusive infrastructure to continue the propagation and implementation of the Truth. And it was khilafa. The establishment of Islamic khilafa is indeed one of the most significant events in whole human history. Through khilafa, for […]

Power-addict Hasina & the Death of Democracy in Bangladesh

The rule of the power-addict & the calamity              Addiction to power is far more catastrophic than addiction to drugs. A drug-addict slowly kills himself; but a power-addict autocrat may kill millions. They are more dreadful than any vile animal or bugs on earth. No Tsunami, epidemic or earthquake caused so such tragedies to the mankind […]

Institutional Collapse of the Muslims & the Civilizational War of the West

The nonfunctional institute To grow up as human, it is indispensable to have humanising institution. In absence of such institution, men and women even with perfect physical features turn fully animal. The naked men and women who live in bushes and caves in Nicobar Island or Papua New Guinea are indeed the proof of such […]

Crime against the Rohingya Muslims & the Moral Incompetence of the UN

The UN report: Who to execute?  Investigators found patterns of gross human rights violations and abuses committed in Kachin, Rakhine and Shan states that “undoubtedly amount to the gravest crimes under international law”, Monday’s report said. They include murder, torture, sexual slavery, extermination and forced deportation – meaning ethnic cleansing. Thieves, rapists, arsonists, killers & […]

The Bleeding Palestine: Support for the Brutalities & Approval of the Occupation

Outsourcing the occupation Palestine is bleeding. Its people are the worst victims of one of the most brutal occupations in the whole human history. They are suffering for more than hundred years. Firstly, at the hand of the British colonialists; and now under the occupation of Israeli aggressors. Under the Israeli occupation, Palestine has turned […]

The US Crime and the Politics of Hegemony

Here is a list of 10 chemical weapons attacks carried out by the U.S. government or its allies against civilians.   The U.S. Military Dumped 20 Million Gallons of Chemicals on Vietnam from 1962 – 1971 Via: AP During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military sprayed 20 million gallons of chemicals, including the very toxic Agent […]

The Murder of Jamal Khashoggi & the Saudi Obstruction to Justice

The crime & the cover-up Initially the Saudi government denied the death of Mr Jamal Khashoggi and claimed that he has left the Saudi consulate in Istanbul alive after getting his paperwork done. But after failing to sell this lie, the Saudi authority announced that Mr Khashoggi is dead. They also told a bizarre story […]

The Most Important Issue in Life

How important is the important issue?                 Like a piece of melting ice, our expected days of life are shrinking each day. But surprisingly, many people live this life without knowing its ultimate purpose! Even not realising the most important issue! They exactly resemble a man who drives days and nights without knowing the roadmap. Whatever […]

Enforced Indebtedness to India & the Politics of Appeasement in Bangladesh

The on-going war against democracy There are only two visible powers in the political landscape of Bangladesh: the people of Bangladesh and the government of India. The political history of Bangladesh is indeed mostly the history of clash of these two powers. Before 1971, India had its incessant war to demolish the arch enemy Pakistan […]