Category Archives: English

The educational failure and the failed Muslims

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Staying ignorant: the gravest sin                            Acquiring the right knowledge plays the most crucial role in transforming man’s fate: both here and in the hereafter. And ignorance (jahiliyyah) works as the most devastating predicament; its consequence is most awful. In Islam, knowledge has a special connotation and marker.  Fire is known by […]

The crimes  of secularism

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal  Secularism: a vile ideology Secularism helped the Europeans to get freedom from the occupation of the Church’s corrupt and tyrannical autocracy. But it is incompatible with Islam. Because, secularism stands inimical to the whole project of Islam. It is a vile ideology for Islam and Muslims. Although claim to be Muslim, […]

Taliban’s victory: the beginning of a new Islamic era

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal A real joy of victory after hundreds of years Taliban’s victory in August 2021, is the most significant event in several hundred years of the Muslim history. After a long agony of terrible pains, deaths, destruction, exploitation, and torture at the hands of the imperialists, at least the Muslims got some […]

The failed Muslims and the pathology

The crippling incompetence The most disastrous incompetence or disability of a human is not physical but intellectual. The people with physical disabilities -like a broken arm, missing leg, or blind eyes can incredibly cope with day-to-day difficulties. The insights of such men or women still may remain intact; therefore, still can live a life as […]

Globalism and the calamity of Muslims’ localism

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Localism: the strategy of the enemy The US political elites and their allies have two prescriptions for mankind. One for themselves; that is globalism. They have another prescription for the Muslims; that is localism in the form of various races, region, clan, sect and language. In 2006, Ralph Peters –the US […]

Thoughts on the calamity of 1971

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The earned occupation Some alarming news is circulating in the media. Now in police, civil administrations and ministerial secretariats of Bangladesh, Hindus are getting jobs at disproportionately higher proportion than the Muslims. Hundreds of thousands of Indians are working legally or illegally in Bangladesh. Now it is no secret that Shaikh […]

The new war in Afghanistan and a new turn in history

 Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal A new war with a new strategy       The enemies’ war never ends. They only change the strategies and the weapons. That is exactly true for the USA and its allies. The military war of the USA and its allies has ended in Afghanistan. But the Taliban is still perceived as an […]

The Indian war on Muslims and the occupied Kashmir

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The war on the Indian Muslims India’s war on Muslims is not new. It is ongoing since the country’s independence in 1947 from British rule. The Indian Hindutva leaders can’t reconcile the old wounds of defeat by the Muslims. They conveniently forget that such wounds are not specific to the Hindus, […]

The US sadism, the investment in death and destruction, and the looming global war

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The US sadism and the crime The US Americans proved to be a nation of sadists. Sadism is an incurable mental disease. Since its root is ideological and racial, no medicine works against it. Sadism has robust behavioral and cultural symptoms. Normal people get grieved with pain, death, and the sufferings […]

The Taliban moral standard and the USA moral standard

Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal Morality or immorality never remains hidden. It becomes more visible when one gets superior weapons or wins a war. The USA invented nuclear weapons before anyone else. Such a weapon of mass destruction gave the USA the ultimate opportunity to display its worst immorality before the whole world. The USA dropped […]