The moral collapse and the mercenary culture

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal  The infrastructure of enemy occupation                 In 2003, when the US Army took over Baghdad, hundreds of Iraqis came to the street to celebrate the American victory. Prior to that, many of the Iraqi leaders invited and co-operated with the murderous US Army. The same happened with the US’s invasion of […]

Aligning with the enemies and the lowest low of Muslims’ decline

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Embracing the enemies The Muslims have reached a new low in history. In the early days of Islam, even the Arab kuffar didn’t invite contemporary world powers like the Roman or Persian empires to occupy their land and kill the Islamic compatriots. But, things now have changed. The so-called Muslims are […]

The calamities of cultural and ideological occupation

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The infrastructure of continual occupation The west’s military occupation of the Muslim world has formally ended. But the cultural and ideological occupation still exists. In former colonies, the imperialist armies may not be visible in uniforms, but their soldiers –both the natives and the westerners, are still present in thousands to […]

বিবিধ ভাবনা ৭৩

ফিরোজ মাহবুব কামাল ১. নিছের ইচ্ছা নিজেকে করতে হয় মহান আল্লাহতায়ালা মানুষকে দৈহিক বল, আর্থিক বল ও বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিক বলসহ নানারূপ বল ও সামর্থ্য দেন। ঈমানদার বা বেঈমান -সবাইকে তিনি পানাহারও দেন। এসবই মহান আল্লাহতায়ালার অমূল্য নিয়ামত। সে নিয়ামতগুলো কে কীভাবে কাজে লাগাবে -সে ইচ্ছাটি তিনি কারো উপরই চাপিয়ে দেন না। প্রতিটি ব্যক্তিকে সে ইচ্ছাটি নিজ থেকে […]

The moral disability and the catastrophes

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The moral disability and the consequence The most important cause of Muslims’ downfall is not any natural calamity or economic collapse or an epidemic of a killer disease. It is indeed the moral disability that has brought them to the current quagmire. Such disability also deters any fresh attempt to rise […]

The conceptual corruption and the betrayal of the Divine agenda

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The disconnection and the consequence Muslims’ disconnection and deviation from Allah Sub’hana wa Tala’s aim and objective is huge. These have lead to failure to grow up as true Muslim. The agenda of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’ala is very clear and repeatedly revealed in the Holy Qur’an. But Muslims’ betrayal of […]

The educational failure and the failed Muslims

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Staying ignorant: the gravest sin                            Acquiring the right knowledge plays the most crucial role in transforming man’s fate: both here and in the hereafter. And ignorance (jahiliyyah) works as the most devastating predicament; its consequence is most awful. In Islam, knowledge has a special connotation and marker.  Fire is known by […]

The crimes  of secularism

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal  Secularism: a vile ideology Secularism helped the Europeans to get freedom from the occupation of the Church’s corrupt and tyrannical autocracy. But it is incompatible with Islam. Because, secularism stands inimical to the whole project of Islam. It is a vile ideology for Islam and Muslims. Although claim to be Muslim, […]

Taliban’s victory: the beginning of a new Islamic era

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal A real joy of victory after hundreds of years Taliban’s victory in August 2021, is the most significant event in several hundred years of the Muslim history. After a long agony of terrible pains, deaths, destruction, exploitation, and torture at the hands of the imperialists, at least the Muslims got some […]

The failed Muslims and the pathology

The crippling incompetence The most disastrous incompetence or disability of a human is not physical but intellectual. The people with physical disabilities -like a broken arm, missing leg, or blind eyes can incredibly cope with day-to-day difficulties. The insights of such men or women still may remain intact; therefore, still can live a life as […]

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