The catastrophic evils of the enemy occupation

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The occupation and the grave outcome Every occupation has its calamitous outcomes. These are much worse than the consequences of a serious disease on physical health. A disease harms only the physical aspect of an individual. Since it doesn’t damage moral or spiritual entity, doesn’t take anyone to the hellfire. Therefore, […]

বিবিধ ভাবনা (৫০)

ফিরোজ মাহবুব কামাল ১. এ কি অসভ্যতা?                             দেহের মৃত্যুর ন্যায় বিবেকের মৃত্যুও সুস্পষ্ট দেখা যায়। বাংলাদেশী বাঙালীর বিবেকের মৃত্যুই শুধু ঘটেনি, সেখানে পচনও ধরেছে। নইলে কি এমন অসভ্যতা ঘটে? সে পচনের কারণেই যে শেখ মুজিব ও তার কন্যা হাসিনা গণতন্ত্রকে কবরে নিল, ভোট চুরি করলো, স্বৈরাচার প্রতিষ্ঠা দিল, এবং রাস্তায় প্রতিবাদে নামলে পেটায়, গুম করে ও […]

Absence of khelafa and the culture of mercenarism

Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal The pathology of failure A Muslim and a kafir never live in the same way and not for the same objective and vision. There exist many non-reconcilable differences. Likewise, Muslims and kafirs do not build a state and their institutions for the same purpose. Like Muslims’ place of worship (mosque), Muslims’ […]

বিবিধ ভাবনা (৪৯)

ফিরোজ মাহবুব কামাল ১. হাসিনার বড় বড় ধারালো দাঁত বড় বড় ধারালো দাঁত থাকার কারণে বাঘ-ভালুকের ন্যায় হি্ংস্র পশুরা ছাগল-ভেড়ার পালকে তাড়া করে এবং ইচ্ছামত শিকার ধরে ভক্ষণ করে। লম্বা লম্বা ধারালো দাঁত রয়েছে শিকারী হাসিনারও। তার উপরের মাড়ির দাঁতগুলো হলো দেশের সেনাবাহিনী এবং নীচের মাড়ির দাঁতগুলো হলো পুলিশ ও RAB। তার জ্বিহবা হলো তার দলীয় […]

Muslims’ Betrayal of the Civilisational Role

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal   The abandoned objective The Muslims claim to be the followers of Islam, but they have abandoned Islam’s key civilisational objective. Because of that, they could ignore the importance of politics –the most powerful and indispensable tool to fulfil any civilizational objective. The downfall of the Muslims owes to the colonisation of […]

Ceasefire in Israeli Bombing: But No Peace for the Palestinians

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Israel: the imperialists’ watchdog For global domination, the imperialists need a military presence all over the world. Otherwise, the World Power status doesn’t survive. Hence, the USA has established 800 military bases globally. Since the Middle East is the most oil-rich area in the world, the largest US military base is […]

Betrayal of the Assigned Role & the Infrastructure of Muslims’ Downfall

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal  Neglect of the greatest gift How a sick man can get cured of the disease when he ignores the only prescription for its cure? The Holy Qur’an is the only prescription from Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la for all moral, social, political, spiritual and economic ills of the whole mankind. Iman (belief) […]

Muslims’ Showcasing of the Disbelief

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal  The abuse of rituals The enemies of Islam never preach idolatry to take the Muslims back to the old days of primitive ignorance. They allure them in different ways. They use and abuse the obligatory rituals of Islam to divert them from its core objective. The core objective of Islam has […]

Unlimited Licence for Israel’s State Terrorism

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Testbook case of state-terrorism Why don’t the USA, the EU and the UK condemn the Israeli atrocities against the Palestinians? And why do they support unconditionally Israel? There is a simple reason. A wolf doesn’t condemn another wolf for killing someone. What Israel is doing against the Palestinians today, the USA, […]

The Betrayal of Islam by the Muslims

 The changed objective & the betrayal In some diseased conditions, the human body fails to discriminate its own cells from the cells of the invading bugs. In such misplaced immunity, the body’s own organs are perceived as foreign and get badly damaged. It is called autoimmune disease. Similarly, the self-harming conceptual state runs very high […]

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