The New Low in the Muslim History
- Posted by ফিরোজ মাহবুব কামাল
- Posted on May 16, 2021
- English, Muslim world
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Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Embracing the enemies
The Muslims have reached a new low in history. In the early days of Islam, even the Arab kuffars didn’t invite contemporary world powers like the Roman or Persian empires to occupy their land and kill the Islamic compatriots. But, the thing now has changed. The so-called Muslims are now inviting and embracing the known enemies for invasion into their own lands. In 1917, the Arab nationalists under the leadership of Sharif Hussein –the rebel Osmania governor of Hejaz invited the British imperialists to destroy the khelafa. In 1971, the Bengali Muslims embraced the Indian kuffars for breaking down Pakistan. In the seventies, the Afghan communist invited Soviet Russia for the de-Islamisation of the Afghan Muslims. In 2003, a large number of Iraqis cooperated with the USA to destroy Iraq. Since the Camp David Treaty, Egypt has been cooperating with Israel to break the backbone of the Palestinian resistance. And now, the oil-rich Arab countries are financing the USA-led war on Islam all over the Muslim World. Along with monetary aid, the autocratic rulers of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, and Oman have allowed the USA to set up offensive military bases in their lands. Many Muslim countries are also contributing soldiers to the US-led coalition forces. So, the occupation, killing, and destruction in the Muslim countries could be easily done with the Muslims’ collaboration. Every bomb that is being dropped on Muslim cities and villages is indeed made with the Muslims’ money.
In the golden days of Islam, the Muslims made jihad even in distant foreign lands to free the non-Muslims from tyranny. The campaign by Mohammad bin Qasim against King Dhahir -the tyrant ruler of Sindh is an example. But now the situation has changed. Most of the Muslims stay under the occupation of the worst despots. And there exists hardly any jihad to end the evil occupation. There are Islamic parties. But the leaders of the so-called Islamic parties show moral collapse and complacency. They even make political alliances with the home-grown secularist enemies for a share in the political power structure. The objective of most Muslims has been reduced to mere survival; issues like implementation of sharia, hudud, khelafa, Muslim unity, and jihad have no place in their life. So it looks that their submission to the commands of Almighty Lord is very limited. They look more fearful of the US-led coalition than Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. Since the US-led imperialists detest Islamic state, sharia, hudud, khilafa, Muslim unity, and jihad, these so-called Muslims stay tongue-tied to talk about these Islamic basics.
The Muslims have badly failed to discover the right roadmap for victory. They have also failed to find the real source of formidable strength and dignity. The oil-rich Arabs thought that power and honour lie in petro-dollar. But it has proved totally wrong. The enormity of wealth of the Arabs has only increased their defeat, disgrace, and dependence. The rich Arabs are so weak that they can’t stand up against a tiny Israel. Victory comes only from Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. It is one of the most fundamentals of Islamic belief. So, it is revealed: “wa ma nasru illa min indillah.”-(Sura Anfal, verse 10). But Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la doesn’t help everyone; there is a pre-condition. For getting His help, it needs to be a helper in His cause. It is revealed: “O you who believe! If you help in the cause of Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm.” –(Sura Muhammad, verse 7). So, the roadmap for victory is simple and it is the Qur’anic roadmap. Therefore, whoever follows the Holy Qur’an, doesn’t work alone; Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la with His army of angels stands with him. This happened with the Muslim armies many times in the past. Whenever Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la helps, who can defeat?
So, the bottom line is very simple and clear. The promised victory can only be achieved by becoming the helpers of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. The early Muslims followed this Qur’anic methodology, and that showed huge success. In those days, the Muslims were poor in wealth and manpower, but with the help of All-Powerful Allah, they could quickly become a formidable force. They became the number one World Power. But today, the Muslims have taken the opposite route. Instead of obeying the Qur’nic orders, the Muslims regard it as a book of mere recitation. They don’t take any heed from the history of the early Muslims. Instead of becoming the helpers of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la, they become the collaborators of the US-led anti-Islamic coalition. Therefore, 1.5 billion Muslims with their huge wealth couldn’t earn any glory or dignity for the ummah. Rather, the situation has gone so low that millions of Muslims stand ready to serve as mercenaries for the kuffars. In the past two World Wars, more than a million such mercenaries fought in the army of the European imperialists.
For moral development, it needs an effective value-adding process. Humans get the added value from family values, figures of highness, cultural inheritance, and books of knowledge, teachers, and mentors. But what can be the best book of knowledge than the Holy Qur’an? And who can be the best teacher or mentor than the great prophet? The Muslims are the only people on earth who possess the Holy Qur’an –the only key to success both here and in the hereafter. A costly car doesn’t help reach the destination, the correct road map is crucial. Likewise, a huge amount of unearned petrodollar of the Arab Muslims didn’t help them attain any strength or glory. They are as weak as were the pre-Islamic Arab. About 250 million Arabs stay defeated by 7 million Jews. The early Muslims didn’t get any unearned wealth, but they could attain the glory of the most powerful civilizational force on earth. That was possible only because of the Qur’anic roadmap. The ongoing downfall of the Muslims indeed owes to the fact that they didn’t make use of the highest gift of the Almighty Lord.
Failing to be a Muslim
The agenda of survival truly defines a man. All people live on the same planet, but do not live with the same agenda. One can’t claim to be a Muslim only because of his name, dress or rituals. Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la not only created man but also assigned an agenda for this great creation too. The agenda is nothing else but ibada of Allah Sub’hana wa Tala. It is the full submission to the Qur’anic path called siratula mustaqeem. A human doesn’t have any choice for his physical format but has full liberty to select an agenda of his or her survival. In fact, here lies the most crucial test in life. Whether he will reach paradise or hell fire wholly depends on this choice. One can claim to be a true Muslim only if he takes the Divinely assigned agenda as his own survival agenda. Aligning with such an agenda has wider implication. His prayers, politics, business, behaviour, culture, judiciary, warfare, and all others activities must show the full alignment with the path revealed in the Holy Qur’an -as followed by the final prophet (peace be upon him). Any mismatch or non-alignment definitely takes a path towards the hellfire. It is so crucial that Islam didn’t keep any ambiguity in it. In fact, it is the central point of the Holy Qur’an. This is why the true distinctiveness of a Muslim from the non-Muslims has never been in his name, nomenclature, dress, rituals or customs. It is indeed in his agenda of survival. When the Arab people accepted Islam, they didn’t change their name or dress. They changed their agenda of survival. The disbelievers also do survive and make efforts. They do politics, make sacrifices, and even die for their cause. They die either for selfish interest or to serve their racial, national, tribal, or party interest. But a Muslim strives, makes sacrifices and dies only to serve the agenda of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la.
The agenda of Allah Sub’hana encompasses all areas of human life. A Muslim needs to comply with His agenda everywhere; otherwise he proves to be fake in his iman. In the field of politics, His sovereignty prevails every domain of the governace. No man, no king, no people, and no parliament has the right to challenge His sovereignty. A Muslim must not accespt overeignty of a king or parliament or people. In the field of the judiciary, no judge has the right to run the court except according to the sharia law. If anyone goes against it, as per Qur’anic revelation he turns to be a ka’fir, zalem and fasik. (Sura Maida, verses 44, 45, and 47). In warfare, no army or a soldier has the right to do any war except in the way of Allah Sub’ hana wa Ta’la. Muslims’ every war must be a full jihad. He can’t fight a war to promote any nationalist, racist or tribal cause. Since his own life is sold only to serve his Almighty Lord –as per a deal revealed in the Holy Qur’an (Sura Tawba, verse 111), how can he spend it to serve other causes? Neither can he raise any divisive wall and state in the name of the race, tribe, land, and language. Causing division in the polity of ummah goes against the agenda of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. These are the basic teachings of Islam. The Holy Qur’an, the traditions of the prophet (peace be upon him) and the history of the early Muslims are replete with these basics. But the Muslims’ failure in abiding by these fundamentals of Islam is huge. And such failure has restricted them to be a full Muslim. And such failure gets vividly displayed in the Muslim World especially in the fields of education, moral values, politics, statebuilding, judiciary, culture, and warfare.
Aligning with the enemy
The Muslims have gone to a new low in history by taking a position180 degrees opposite to that of the early Muslims. It is the history of aligning with the agenda of Shaitan and betraying the agenda of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. In the early days of Islam, it was impossible to think that a Muslim will offer five times prayers behind the Prophet (peace be upon him) and will run the judiciary as per kuffar laws that legalise extramarital sex, protect prostitution as a lawful profession, and allow banks to operate on riba. But now it is the common practice in almost all of the Muslim countries! In those days, could a Muslim ever imagine that the government will open the sea beaches, establish hotels and run clubs, pubs and casinos to promote haram (forbidden) practices? The prostitutes run their business hidden from the public eyes. But the rulers of the Muslim countries like Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Indonesia, and many other hot-spot countries of tourism have set a new level of shamelessness –much uglier than the prostitutes. They openly run such business of sins as the part of their national economy. And the Muslim citizens –even those who go to the mosques, keep fasting, perform hajj and give zakat show no less shamelessness and hypocrisy either. They sleep walk with the secularist rulers and wilfully pay taxes to give police protection to such enterprises of pure sins. With such full alignment with the satanic agenda, how one can claim to be a true Muslim? In fact, the Muslim World is inundated with such fake Muslims. And here lies the real problem of the ummah.
But how to start the treatment? In this regard, Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la showed His Own Sunnah. All-Wise Almighty Allah started with the Holy Qur’an. The Muslim must align with the Qur’anic agenda and its roadmap. The full alignment with the Qur’anic agenda can’t grow or survive on ignorance. One can’t follow a roadmap while he doesn’t understand it. Hence, removing ignorance must be the most essential element of Muslims’ education. Seeking such education is obligatory in Islam. It is far more important than reading, writing, or numeracy skills. Even the most advanced reading, writing and numeracy skills and even a PhD may not help align with the Qur’anic agenda; hence may not save one from the hellfire. Such life-saving knowledge is the exclusive domain of the Holy Qura’n –the final Book of guidance from Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. Ignorance on such knowledge can only breed betrayal of the Divine agenda and cause deviation from the Qur’anic straight path; hence it is a major sin in Islam. And it is major crime to run an education system that keeps the Qur’anic knowledge hidden from the students’ minds.
More than a hundred thousands prophets were sent to mankind not to teach technology, business, or medicine. They were sent to eradicate the most mischievous ignorance that hides the core agenda of life. Those great teachers came to demonstrate how to align with the vision, mission, and agenda of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. Almighty Lord’s agenda is indeed the agenda of Islam. And a Muslim must take His vision and mission as the life-long vision and mission. Only then a Muslim can play the desired role as His viceroy on earth. As a result, can find a place in paradise. Otherwise, despite his five-time prayer, month-long fasting, charity, hajj, and umrah, he may align with the enemy’s agenda and may engage in war against the agenda of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. The current defeat of Islam even in Islam’s heart lands doesn’t owe to the idle worshippers, but to these Muslims. In fact, they are the people who have shown their betrayal by forging a coalition with the enemies of Islam. They have already caused immense calamities in most Muslim countries. Their stubborn animosity against the resurgence of Islam is no less than the known kuffars! Because of them, the anti-Islamic forces could thrive and capture political power even in predominantly Muslim states. They are the people who cast their votes, donate money and take arms in support of the secularists, nationalists, racists, despots, and other anti-Islamic forces who have already aligned with the US-led global coalition against Islam. Such a damaging trend has already overwhelmed the whole Muslim World.
The wrong diagnosis
Due to poor understanding of the problem, the Muslims feel that their downfall owes to the poor standard of agriculture, industry, trade, roads & highways, and lack of air links. Hence, they are spending hundreds of billions of dollars of unearned petrodollars to construct new houses, roads, airports, and high-rise buildings even in seas and hostile deserts –as seen in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf states. Thus they adding value to their sandy deserts, gulf straits and open skies. But they invest very little to enhance their own value. Instead, they have devalued themselves to the level of the pre-Islamic Arabs. They have successfully revived the tribal values, politics and culture. Therefore, like the pre-Islamic Arab era, there exists divisive walls on tribal, racial and geographical fault lines. Through such division, they have succeeded to restrict the flow of their unearned wealth to the needy Muslims of Yemen, Palestine, Syria, Mali, Mauritania and other impoverished Muslim lands.
The calamities in the educational system
The educational failure is the mother of all failure. For physical survival, one needs food and drink. But for moral survival, one needs knowledge. Here comes the importance of education. When the education system fails, the people fail to know even the most basic things like why they have been here on the earth. As a result, they even fail to set the right survival agenda. With such ignorance, people can qualify only for the hellfire. Then, the invaluable inherent endowment like talent, time and abilities get spent to bring the victory of the evil forces. In fact, the decisive war between the forces of Truth and the forces of evil do not take place in war fields, rather in the field of education. The satanic forces make people well cooked for the hellfire in the name of education. So the ongoing war in the arena of education is crucial. Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la has also called it a great war (jihadan kabiran) and His suggested weapon for winning the great war is the Holy Qur’an. So it is revealed, “So do not obey the disbelievers, fight a great jihad against them with the Qur’an.” (Sura Furqan, verse 52).
In fact, fighting with the Holy Qur’an is a great sunnah (tradition) of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. Seeeking the Qur’anic knowledge was made the first obligation on every man and woman. The five-time prayers and month-long fasting came more than a decade later. And Iqra (read) is the first word of the Holy Qur’an. Satan too know the strength of the Holy Qur’an. This is why it is the prime strategy of the Satanic forces to take away the Qur’anic weapon from the Muslims. So, whenever they occupy land, they restrict the disseminaton of the Qur’anic knowledge. Hence, in most of the countries under secularist rule, the study of Qur’an is kept out of the school and college curriculum. It was quite draconian in the communist countries like Soviet Russia and China and also in the radical secularist countries like Turkey and pre-revolutionary Iran. The European colonialists used the education system as a powerful corruptive tool in their colonies like India. Because of it, they could effectively kill the Islamic conscience in Muslims’ minds. The conceptual corruption was so massive that the European colonialists could easily recruit thousands of mercenaries to prolong their brutal occupation in the Muslim lands. Whereas in Islam, it is harmful to join a kuffar army. A Muslim with an iota of iman can’t do that. (See: Sura Al-Imran, verse 28; Sura Mumtanahana, verse 1). According to one estimate, by end of 1920, more than 200 thousand Indian Muslims served in the British Colonial Army to serve the British interest. They also fought in the World Wars. The top military icons of the Pakistan Army like General Ayub Khan, General Yahia Khan, General Tikka Khan and General Niazi are a few examples. This shows how effectively the education system could kill iman and made them collaborators to the kuffar cause. The colonial rule has ended, but the same colonial legacy still survives in the Muslim countries with minor changes. Hence, the same ignorance vis-à-vis Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’ala’s agenda and the Muslims’ role still survives. As a result, the ruling anti-Islamic forces in the Muslim countries still thrive on such ignorance.
Much harm was done in the name of Islamic education too. The European colonialists -like the British wanted to corrupt the Muslim mind with the help of the so-called ulama. So they needed to create a class of subservient ulama. For that, the British colonialists established a production site in the name of a religious madrasa called Kolkata Aliya Madrasa. Most of its principals were English. Their strategy was to hide the most important issue of Islam like jihad by huge hypes of trivial and peripheral issues like differences between various madhabs or sects. Their main emphasis was on teaching the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) hadees to prove the superiority of their own sect over the other. Since Qur’an doesn’t talk about madhabs and sects, they gave less attention to understanding Qur’an. In their learning discourse, jihad, ending the foreign occupation, rule by shura, implementation of Shariat and Muslim unity were never an issue. This type of madrasas could only fortify the beliefs of the conflicting sects. And Islam’s own agenda of bringing an overwhelming victory –as wished by Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la remains badly defeated in Muslims’ own lands.
The recipe of failure
Belief or disbelief in Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la never remains hidden; every man or woman showcases it through his or her utterance, actions, culture, and politics. Taqwa is the most distinctive marker of a believer. It is the fear of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la that makes a Muslim fully compliant with His every command. As a consequence, Islam becomes an integral part of his or her life; he or she can’t live without it. A Muslim thus showcases the Islamic prescription and values at all levels –be it in private or public life, in politics or culture, in legislation or warfare. This is why a man with an iota of taqwa can’t contemplate a life -private or public without full submission to sharia, hudud, shura, khilafa, jihad, and other obligatory basics of Islam. The absence or deficiency of taq’wa never remains hidden either; it expresses through disobedience to the Qur’anic guidance. In absence of taq’wa, kufr (rebellion against Divine prescription) becomes the norm. Then, it overwhelms the field of law, politics, ideologies, faith, culture, and even occupation. In such a void, even evil ideologies like nationalism, tribalism, fascism secularism, monarchism, despotism, capitalism, and socialism show their dominance.
But now, the Muslims show non-compliance with the rule of Allah Sub’hana wa Tala everywhere. They indeed showcase rebellion against Almighty Allah through practising kufr law, dismantling khilafa, secularising state, engaging in riba-based banking, and standing shoulder to shoulder with the kuffars to block the resurgence of Islam. Surprisingly, they also make supplication. But how can Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’ala accept the supplication of these rebels? Acceptance of supplication is very conditional, and every believer must fulfil the precondition. It is the norm that the Almighty Lord responds to the call of those who responds to His Call too. So it is revealed, “I answer the call of the caller who calls upon Me; but let them respond to Me and believe in Me…”-(Sura Baqara, verse186). But how many people in Him and His Quranic prescription? How many people rightly respond to the Call of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la? In fact, most of the Muslims respond to His Call through rebellion. Because of the rebellion, His Vision of bringing victory for His deen stands defeated in every Muslim land. Should Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la help such rebels to intensify the defeat of His deen? So, the tearful cry of more than a billion Muslims, even in the night of Lailatul Qadr and in the field of Arafah, go unanswered. Instead, such insurgency against Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la makes them qualify for stern punishment –as promised in the Holy Qur’an. And such punishment comes in the form of enemy occupation of the Muslim lands. As a consequence, horrendous deaths, destruction, and humiliation run unabated in the Muslim World. 1st edition 20/06/2017; 2nd edition 16/05/2021.
ওয়েব সাইটটি এখন আপডেট করা হচ্ছে। আগের লেখাগুলো নতুন ওয়েব সাইটে পুরাপুরি আনতে কয়েকদিন সময় নিবে। ধন্যবাদ।
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