Category Archives: International Affairs

Full Freedom for the Israeli War Criminals and Hostage Status for the Palestinians

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal No red line for the Israelis The awful helplessness of the people of Gaza now needs little description. They are the perfect lame ducks at the mercy of the Israeli war criminals. None of the world powers is coming to their help. More than thirty six thousand Palestinians are killed and […]

The Israeli Crimes, the Western Complicity and the Muslims’ Silence

 Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The historical stories are not told to keep people asleep. It is to make people awake  so that it should not happen again.But such an objective of studying history has totally failed. The history of genocidal massacre of Bosnian Muslims by the Serbs and the complicity of the Western countries and […]

The Display of Pure Evil by Israel & the Partners in Evil

 Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Israel’s illegal creation and the culture of crimes What happened in the last three days in occupied Palestine, didn’t come out of the blue. Israel was fomenting such a volcanic explosion during its 75 years of illegal brutal occupation of Palestine. Israel was not on the map before 1948; it is […]

The Russian aggression in Ukraine, the western hypocrisy & the new world crisis

 Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The double standard The passion for old czarist colonialism cum imperialism still thrives in Russia. The recent Russian aggression against Ukraine is a blatant proof of that. Prior to this current aggression, Russia invaded Georgia and occupied the northern part of the country. Russia annexed Crimea and installed a puppet rule […]

The Taliban moral standard and the USA moral standard

Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal Morality or immorality never remains hidden. It becomes more visible when one gets superior weapons or wins a war. The USA invented nuclear weapons before anyone else. Such a weapon of mass destruction gave the USA the ultimate opportunity to display its worst immorality before the whole world. The USA dropped […]

The Indian Muslims: the victims of Hidutva war savegery

Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal  The Hindutva war The worst devastations in human history are not caused by earthquakes, cyclones, or tsunamis. These owe to wars -the crimes exclusively committed by humans. Only two World Wars killed 75 million people and caused unprecedented devastation of cities, industries, and human habitations. After the World Wars, millions are […]

The Hindutva Fascists & the Malice

Like a virus, toxic ideologies never remain confined within the geographical or political borders. It quickly spreads and gets followers beyond the border. The same is exactly true for India’s Hindutva fascism. Fascism has its robust diagnostic symptoms. The fascists keep a constant watch on their ideological enemies and show the virulence. If anyone tells […]

The Global Terrorism and the Muslims

The terrorising war of the imperialists Terrorism has a precise dictionary meaning. It is the use of weapons to fill people’s minds with terror for political or monetary gain. The terrorising power of a weapon depends directly and proportionately on its destructive power. So, the terror of a knife-wielding robber can’t match with the terror […]

The Indian Election: The Hindu Supremacists Got the Mandate

Moral darkness exposed The real mind of the people speaks loudly in the general election of a country. So, the recent election in India gives an explicit expression of the Hindu supremacist agenda of its people. It has indeed nakedly exposed the moral darkness and the hateful sick minds of the Indian voters. The voters […]

The Imperialists’ War Coalition & the Calamity of Moral Death

The coalition in crime             The Muslims now face one of the most critical crisis in the history. Deaths and destruction abound everywhere. Alavi Shia regime of President Bashar al Assad in Syria and the pro-Iran Shia regime in Iraq are relentlessly engaged in killing the Sunni Muslims and destruction of Islam’s historic heart […]