Category Archives: Politics & Ideologies

Fight with Ballots to Save the Lives of the Palestinians

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Voting for the supporters of Israel is a crime  A genocidal Israeli war against the Palestinians has already caused massive numbers of deaths and destruction in Gaza and in the occupied West Bank. More than 37 thousands people were already killed; and more than 20 thousands disappeared under the rubbles of the destroyed homes, hospitals, schools and […]

The Obligation of Unity and the Promised Punishment for the Crime of Disunity

 Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The kuffar stand united and the Muslims stand divided The Europeans, the Hindus, the Jews are desperate for unity. There are about two dozen languages in Europe, but they have united under a single political entity called the EU. So, there exists no divisive wall to restrict their mobility, economy, education […]

On the Importance of Politics

 Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Politics is the only tool to clean up societies and to establish truth, human rights, and justice. In Islam it is the highest ibadah. It is called jihad. So, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) engaged in politics and was head of the state for 10 years. For such a political mission, […]

The cultural and ideological imperialism and the civilizational war

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The infrastructure of continual occupation In the Muslim world, the west’s military occupation has formally ended. But the cultural and ideological occupation still thrives. In former colonies, imperialists’ Armies may not be visible in uniforms. But their soldiers –both the natives and the westerners are still present in thousands to promote […]

Secularism and the crime of secularists

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The gravest crime The most catastrophic defeat of Muslims did not take place on any battlefield. They lost the war on the conceptual premise. The defeat on the geopolitical frontiers came much later. Muslims lost the war of ideas only because of secularisation of their thought. The early Muslims used the […]

Aligning with the enemies and the lowest low of Muslims’ decline

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Embracing the enemies The Muslims have reached a new low in history. In the early days of Islam, even the Arab kuffar didn’t invite contemporary world powers like the Roman or Persian empires to occupy their land and kill the Islamic compatriots. But, things now have changed. The so-called Muslims are […]

The colonisation of the Muslim mind & the ideological defeat

 Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal  The lost immunity An invincible immunity is crucial for survival in an environment embedded with millions of lethal bugs and viruses. These bugs and viruses stay ever ready in thousands on the body surface, in the mouth, nose and other parts for any possible erosion of the defence immunity. Hence, the […]

Political, religious & demographic dynamics in South Asia & threatened co-existence of people with pluralities

The myth of ‘Rising Asia’ & the reality  ‘Rising Asia’ now runs like a myth in many Asian and non-Asian countries. But such a myth hides many awful realities. The case of ‘rising Europe’ in the past with its mighty economy, military and technology provides valuable insights to analyze the so-called myth of ‘rising Asia’. […]

Indian Pride & the Crimes of the Hindutva Fascists

The fake pride & the reality The Indian Hindus are very proud of their race, religion, culture, science and democracy. Such pride indeed forms the basis of the ongoing surge of Hindu supremacism in Indian politics. They boastfully claim that Hindu religion is the most ancient religion in human history. There is no doubt about […]

The Global Terrorism against the Muslims & the Consequence

The terrorising war of the imperialists Terrorism has a precise dictionary meaning. It is the use of weapons to fill people’s minds with terror for political or monetary gain. The terrorising power of a weapon depends directly and proportionately on its destructive power. So, the terror of a knife-wielding robber can’t match with the terror […]