Muslims’ celebration of disintegration
- Posted by ফিরোজ মাহবুব কামাল
- Posted on November 3, 2021
- English, Muslim world
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Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Celebration of rebellion!
Creating division in Muslims is forbidden (haram) in Islam. But Muslims have raised divisive borders and celebrating the disintegration of the ummah in the name of national, regional, and tribal states has become a matter of pride and national culture in all Muslim counties. The level of deviation from Islamic basics thus gets expressed in Muslim life. As a result, the Muslims as an ummah cease to exist. They exist only as national, racial, tribal, or linguistic identities –as was the case of pre-Islamic Arab idolaters. A human body can’t survive with its truncated body parts. Likewise, the ummah can’t survive with divisive body polity, maps, flags, walls, and borders. Causing division among Muslims has always been the job of the worst enemies of Islam. But now, the agenda of enemies is being executed by the Muslims themselves. A true believer can never follow such a divisive path. Dividing Muslims has always been considered haram (forbidden) by all schools of the Islamic faith. But still, a little effort is being done to unite the Muslims. The division only helps qualify for heavy punishment from Almighty Allah –as promised in the Holy Qur’an in Surah al-Imran, verse 105. But awfully, not only they stay divided but also celebrate the division with grandeur.
A Muslim can stay as Muslim only if he fully submits to the wish of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’ala. And Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’ala wishes Muslims’ global unity. But Muslims preferred to stand disintegrated into 57 states. What else could be the worst rebellion against the wish of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’ala? Every national or tribal state has a specific day of disintegration. Those days in the Muslim World are indeed the days of rebellion agianst the wish of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’ala. Shockingly, they celebrate those days of rebellion against His Qur’anic command as a mark of national pride! A hundred years ago, such celebration was unknown in Muslim history. Can rituals like five times prayer, fasting in Ramadan, hajj, and charity undo such a grave crime of rebellion? The Qur’anic command “la tafarraku” (don’t be divided) is binding on all Muslim men and women. Only those who are stubbornly disobedient to Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’ala can ignore such a stern warning. But it falls on deaf ears. Islam is all about the full submission to His all orders. Any disobedience to any Qur’anic order is kufr that makes one kafir (disbeliever). Those who excel in consistent submission to such Qur’anic decrees earn His blessing. Otherwise, they qualify for His punishment –both here and in hereafter. No amount of religious rituals are a substitute for full submission.
The political map of a country tells a lot about its citizens’ faith, vision, mission, and survival objective. The current map of the Muslim World is indeed an accurate indicator to show how deeply runs disobedience against Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’ala among the Muslims today. It also shows how far they have deviated from the legacy of the Prophet (peace be upon me) and his rightly guided companions. No amount of religious rituals and Islamic attire can hide such deviation. It also shows, how the mad obsession with ethnic, linguistic, tribal, and other parochial identities has fully undermined the concept of ummah and dismantled Islam’s most powerful institution like khilafa. Under the new US-led occupation, the same process of disintegration has earned a new life in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.
In comparison to Muslims’ divisive obsession, non-Muslims show far better political sagacity and wisdom. The South Asian Hindus could constitute a united India, the European colonialists could form the European Union and the American imperialists cum supremacists could forge the United States. They look cosmopolitan, but Muslims look more tribal, ethnocentric, and racist. Despite the same language, the same ethnicity, and the same geographical landmass, the Arabs have formed 22 states. Power and dignity come only through unity. Division brings defeat and disgrace. This is why All-Wise Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’ala wants unity of all Muslims and Shaitan wants their disunity. It is a pity that Muslims have chosen to please Shaitan. Dividing the Muslim World has always been the key strategy of the enemies of Islam. They support militarily, politically, intellectually, and financially to cause and sustain the disintegration of Muslims. In 1917, the British and the French launched wars in the Middle East to dismantle Osmania Khilafa. With the collaboration of the Arab tribal leaders, they could create 16 Arab states. Thus they could make the necessary geopolitical infrastructure of subjugation of about 400 million Arab Muslims to 6 million immigrant Jews of Israel.
The geographical disintegration is indeed the most incurable framework of weakness and failure. Hence enemies make bloody wars to cause divisions among Muslims. In the golden days of Islam, the Muslims had only one state. The enemies divided only one province of old Sham (Syria) into 5 independent states like Syria, Lebanon, Jordon, Israel, and Palestine. In 1971, the Indians with the Russian help did war against Pakistan to dismantle this largest Muslim country of the contemporary world and could create a captive Bangladesh and a smaller Pakistan. Now in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, the US-led coalition is trying to cause further disintegration of Islam’s heartland. It is their key strategy to wage war against anyone who tries to dismantle the implanted divisive walls. Muslims are not allowed to break the walls of the prison cells –raised in the name of tribal or national identities. This is why while Saddam Hussain took back Kuwait –the former integral part of Iraq, the USA, and its allies declared war against Iraq. But when India took Kashmir, Israel took Palestine, and China took Xing Xiang, the same western countries stayed silent. The western imperialists don’t keep it hidden that their security interest lies in sustenance of the divided political map of the Muslim World. They have all shown their full commitment to protecting the current infrastructure. Although they call it stability of the status quo, it is indeed the strategy to keep Muslims disintegrated, powerless, and subjugated.
The ummah doesn’t exist
Ummah is purely a faith-based construct. It doesn’t embrace or glorify any racial, ethnic, national, or regional identity. The physical existence of the ummah is the most distinguishing marker of the Muslimness of a people. To know the true belief of Muslims, one doesn’t need any soul-searching effort. It gets expressed through their political polity, identity, ambition, and actions. Ummah is indeed the collective political, ideological, cultural, and civilization embodiment of all Muslims. It is the trans-ethnic common global identity of the believers with a solid foundation on their identical faith, values, laws, and political cum civilizational ambition. The conceptual construct of ummah provided the early Muslims the much-needed huge infrastructure to emerge as the global civilizational power. Only because of such a faith-based groundwork, the Muslims with diverse ethnicities like the Arabs, the Persians, the Kurds, the Moors, the Turks, the Afghans, the Andalusians, the Balkans, and others could work shoulder to shoulder to bring victories in Asia, Africa, and Europe. In the whole history of mankind, such a united brotherhood of so many different ethnicities never happened before. Otherwise, there is nothing new in conquering lands and establishing empires. The barbaric Mongol hordes, the genocidal European colonialists, and the trigger-happy US imperialists could also conquer huge lands. But they couldn’t build any trans-ethnic brotherhood, higher values, sound laws, or civilization. Instead, they could build massive infrastructures for genocides, ethnic cleansing, slave trading, economic exploitation, famines, wars, and World Wars. Because of their moral void, millions of Indians, Red Indians, Africans, Aborigines, Maoris, Incas, and many others were forced to perish from the surface of the earth. The catalog of their crime is huge. And the legacy still survives. Hence, a culture of occupational wars, genocidal killing, destruction of cities, and economic exploitation still thrives in the modern world. The people of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria witnessed that.
The Muslims have their own awful internal problems. The concept of Muslim ummah can’t survive in a high tide of toxic ideas like monarchism, nationalism, tribalism, racism, secularism, and other man-made ideologies. The concept of ummah can’t sustain in absence of Qur’anic knowledge. For surviving as a true Muslim, every believer needs constant feeding of Islamic thoughts, vision, mission, and objective. Such knowledge is the vital lifeline for the ummah. It indeed builds the ideological backbone of a Muslim individual and the ummah. Hence, in Islam, seeking knowledge is a life-long obligation -no less important than regular foods and drinks. Hence, seeking Qur’anic knowledge was made obligatory 11 years before the obligatory five-time prayer. In absence of that, institutions like Muslim ummah or khilafa can’t survive. This is why the enemies always aim at dismantling the educational and cultural institutions of Islam.
The Muslims have badly lost the ideological war –the cold war. Such a defeat in the ideological war always leads to defeat in the conventional war. And the ideological defeat owes to deep deprivation of Qur’anic knowledge. During the whole period of colonial occupation, a well planned educational cum cultural engineering was executed to deplete Qur’anic knowledge and Islamic culture in Muslims’ life. In the void, toxic ideologies like secularism, nationalism, liberalism, and tribalism were implanted. The colonialists have left the Muslim World, but the political power has been hijacked by those who got fully brainwashed by the secularised education system of the colonial era. So, they continue with the same de-Islamisation project of the imperialist enemies. As a result, the Muslims stood defeated and the ummah ceased to survive.
With the demise of the ummah and its political infrastructure called khilafa, Muslims now face the most catastrophic calamity in the whole history of Islam. In absence of the political cum military infrastructure of khilafah, the Qur’anic guidance and the Prophet (peace be upon him)’s tradition remain non-functional. True Islam lives only in the Holy Qur’an. Such a state of affairs has indeed generated a perfect recipe for further defeat, occupation, exploitation, and killing. This is why trillions of unearned petrodollars of the Middle East and about 1.5 billion population couldn’t help Muslims come out of the current quagmire. Rather, day by day they are sinking down to a new low. They are growing only in number but not in faith and commitment. Like a diseased man, Muslims are the seat of their own disease. They are rotten from inside. The crisis is so deep that Muslims are no more known for their adherence to the Qur’anic guidance. The Qur’anic laws, the pan-Islamic brotherhood, the trans-ethnic institutions like khilafa, and jihad in the way of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’ala find no place in the Muslim World. Muslims have embraced ideas, laws, values, cultural practices, warfare, and the concept of state-building based on pre-Islamic jahiliya. This is why these so-called Muslim states show little dissimilarities from kuffar states.
The visible dissimilarities of today’s Muslims from the early Muslims are not in the field of religious rituals, names, nomenclature, and dress codes, but in the purpose of survival. The early Muslims survived to serve the agenda of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’ala. It is to bring victory for His deen. But today’s Muslims survive to serve national, tribal, monarchical, or party agendas. Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’ala agenda hasn’t had any place in their life. All these dissimilarities owe to detachment from the Holy Qur’anic. Most of them finish their college and university education without understanding a single verse of the Holy Qur’an. Therefore, their Qur’anic literacy –the most obligatory requirement to be a Muslim stands at zero. In the golden days of the Muslims, even a farmworker, a shepherd, and a poor vendor had a better understanding of the Holy Qur’an than a university graduate or a Ph.D. scholar of today. To them, the intellectual feeding with the Qur’anic knowledge was considered no less crucial than feeding with foods and drinks. They didn’t have any doubt that their iman will surely die if they don’t take regular nourishment from the Holy Qur’an. Since the Holy Qur’an has lost its importance in Muslim life today, the huge dissimilarities in faith and action from the early Muslims could crop up so easily.
The early Muslims, at their highest point, didn’t have a huge population. Nor did they have a big army. Neither did they have trillions of dollars of unearned wealth like today. But they didn’t experience a similar scale of occupation, genocide, rapes, destruction, and eviction as it is the norm in Muslim lands like Palestine, Kashmir, India, Myanmar, Uighur, Bosnia, Mindanao, Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq. Rather, they could make history of miraculous successes against the contemporary World Powers. They could raise Muslims as the most powerful World Power. But today, Muslims are the most defenseless people on the earth. They have armies and weapons, but these are not to protect Muslim men and women. These are only to protect the despotic rulers and bomb the freedom-seeking people –as currently happening in Syria, Egypt and other Middle East countries.
Arms and ammunition don’t decide the fate of a people. Arms don’t fight any war. The people who carry the arms, they do the job. Hence, the quality of the soldiers is more decisive than the quality and quantity of arms. The current state of the Arab World gives testimony to it. It is reported that from the year 2000 to 2019, Israel received arms from the USA, UK, France, Spain, and Germany of value 9.6 billion dollars. Whereas in the last 20 years, Saudi Arabia alone received arms of 29.3 billion dollars. In the same period, the arms sale to UAE was 21.1 billion. It was 17.5 billion dollars to Egypt and 6 billion dollars to Qatar. (The Daily Dawn, Karachi, 29.05.2021). But, what is the outcome of such a huge amount of arms in the Arab hands? Did it increase their military might? The jointly run war by Saudi Arabia and UAE is failing badly against the poor fighters in Yemen.
The strategy of collaboration with the enemies
The enemy’s crusade against Islam and Muslims never ends. It only changes the strategy and frontiers. They start new wars on new frontiers. The First World War ended in 4 years. The Second World War ended in 5 years. But the US-led war against Islam and the Muslims doesn’t show any sign of ending even in its 20th year. They are inventing more clues and new narratives to enter into new territories. The current crusade –declared exactly as a crusade by President George W. Bush, started in Afghanistan in 2001 to dismantle the Islamic rule of the Taliban. It expanded to Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Mali, Chad, Central Africa, and other territories. It is also true that the enemies of Islam have stopped winning any of their wars. They can only continue the killings and destruction. Even the former US President Donald Trump acknowledged the fact in one of his speeches. Even the US-led coalition of 60 countries couldn’t gain control over 20 percent of Afghanistan in 16 years. The same is true in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. They can only prolong the war to delay Islam’s resurgence as a global power. So, the current war will continue for many more decades to add more devastating miseries. Hence, there exists little doubt that more difficult days are lying ahead for the Muslims. Many more Muslim countries are in the queue to receive the same brutalities, deaths, and destruction as happening in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Mali, and Yemen. This is the price that the Muslims are now subject to pay for their division, deviation and servile partnership with the established enemies of Islam. Such a punishment is indeed an unfaltering Qur’anic promise. For failing to do the assigned job, they will face more severe punishment in the hereafter.
Now it is the policy of the US-led coalition to reinforce their war machines to drop more bombs, drones, and missiles on the Muslim cities and villages. The USA has formally ended its war in Afghanistan, but still continues the drone attacks in Syria and Iraq. And planning to do the same in Afghanistan, Yemen and other Muslim countries. The targets are the Islamists. Every year they increase their defense budget and desperately search for new killing machines. Russia, China, and India are doing the same. Now the whole Muslim World is under the constant surveillance of the multi-racial coalition of the imperialists. They have divided the area of influence among themselves. What Israel is doing in Palestine, India is doing the same in occupied Kashmir. China is doing the same in occupied Eastern Turkistan called Xing Xiang. The statistical data shows that more bombs are dropped in Syria than were dropped in any single country like Germany, Japan, France, or England in the First or the Second World War. Whoever raises the head in the name of Islam is labelled as a terrorist. His home is marked as a target for a drone attack. For being killed, he doesn’t need to engage in any war on the US or European soil. This is the new reality that has been imposed on the Muslim World.
In the name of fighting the Islamists, cities after cities are bombed to rubbles in Muslim countries. Drones hit homes in Pakistan, Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, and Somalia. Thousands of innocent men, women, and children are already killed. About sixty countries are drawn into the US-led war against Muslims. Such a huge number of states were not involved even in World Wars. Therefore, apart from occupations, destructions, and killings, they have attained spectacular success to create a global ummah of kufr. This ummah of kufr is also glued together by similar faith, values, political aim, and commitment. To resist the resurgence of Islam, they are ready to do any war in any part of the world. In order to solidify their occupation and to install their own cronies in the occupied lands, they have imposed a policy of forced eviction of people from their own homes -as Israel did in Palestine.
Readiness for the surrender
Muslims have now reached a new phase in history. They do not have any strategy to face the enemies. Instead, they are in a haste to make full surrender. Many Muslim leaders even search for ways to work as the enemies’ partners in occupation, arson, and genocidal massacre. They call such collaboration with the enemy as wisdom (hikma). While working with the devils one can’t avoid doing evil. In the past, Sheikh Abdullah of Kashmir, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of Bangladesh, President Musharraf of Pakistan, and Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan followed the same strategy of collaborating with the occupiers. The lust for worldly gains inspires these stooges to forget the consequences in the hereafter. Likewise, millions of de-Islamised Muslims join the US-led ummah of kufr to kill their fellow Muslims. Many of them are engaged in the intellectual war against Islam and Muslims. This is an unprecedented event in Muslim history. Even the tyrants like Pharaoh, Nimrod, and the Arab infidels couldn’t think of such recruitment of Muslims as their foot-soldiers in the past.
The enemies didn’t make any error in discovering the real source of Muslims’ strength. They correctly discovered that the Holy Qur’an and the unity of the Muslims stand against their agenda. So, they are at war on both fronts. During their colonial rule, they built religious schools to create a class of ulama for encouraging people to recite the Holy Qur’an but not to understand it. In those madrasas, they were encouraged to read selective hadees to instigate sectarian feuds. Causing geopolitical disintegration of the Muslim World is the key for military occupation and political domination. Hence they created 22 Arab states. In Iraq, Syria, and Libya, the planes of the US and its allies dropped bombs to destroy the physical infrastructures like roads, bridges, homes, and hospitals. In Sudan, the US destroyed pharmaceutical industries. Thus they are doing everything to block the emergence of Muslims as a united and viable ummah. As a part of the project, Israel is not the only creation. They have created countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Syria, Jordan, Bahrain, Oman, and others to serve the same imperialist agenda.
The US’s love for the autocrats
Like Israel, the artificial Arab states, too, received quick recognition by the imperialist countries, the imperialist-owned League of Nations, and later on by the UN. The map of the Arab World was drawn by the imperialists in the western capitals to protect the interests of the imperialists. Never a plebiscite took place to know the opinion of the native people. This is the type of democracy that the US-led imperialists prescribe for the people in the occupied Muslim lands. In each of these Arab states, they installed a dynasty of the most submissive and servile clients who never show any willingness to give any share of the political power to their own citizens. The US government and its allies have shown their intense love for these cruel autocrats. They also bear the full burden of protecting them. They have already shown their readiness to fight any war to protect them from their people.
In return, the rulers of these oil-reach Arab states follow a strategy of full collaboration with the imperialists. Protecting the economic and military interests of the western imperialists is the core agenda of these rulers. Hence, the US enjoys the full liberty to build military bases for its Air Force, Land Force, and Naval force in any part of the heart land of the Muslim World. From these bases, they can easily target any Muslim city, industry, bridge, or home with better precision. The western companies also enjoy full monopolistic access to drain oil and gas from these countries. As a result, trillions of dollars of the Muslim World do not stay in the Muslim lands, rather go directly to those who have already declared an unending crusade against Islam. The US dollar could attain the status of an international currency only because of this Muslim money funneled into the US economy. Due to the continuous flow of this Muslim money, the US could sustain its long war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, and Syria -an area much larger than the whole of Western Europe and for a period much longer than the total duration of two World Wars.
In the creation of these divisive walls, the imperialists had another sinister objective. It is to prevent the spill-over of their unearned huge wealth to the poor Arabs living in Yemen, Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, and Mauritania. Such dispersion of wealth to the poor Arabs would have reduced the share of western imperialists; hence could badly damage their economic interest. Restrictive borders of these oil and gas-rich states thus provide huge protected wealth for the imperialists’ consumption. This is why the US and its allies do not hesitate to tell that the economic interest of the west, as well as their national security, lie in this Middle Eastern oil and gas. As if, this oil and gas belong to the western companies. And to keep this ownership, the imperialists are keen to protect these servile rulers at any cost.
Thus, extreme western selfishness works here to protect this ugly status quo. Unless the oil and gas reserve gets finished, there is little chance that the imperialists and their cronies will come to the sense to remove the disastrous division of the Arab World and end the ongoing war. Whoever protests against this robbery of the Muslim wealth and stand for the democratic right of the people are blamed as a terrorist. Bashar al-Assad has killed more than 3 hundred thousand people in Syria, and more than half of the population is driven out of their homes. He used chemical bombs, cluster bombs, and barrel bombs on the civilian population. The western countries who lecture on human rights didn’t throw a single stone against his Army. Now they are lecturing on making peace with this murderous devil.
Bashar al-Assad is not the only dictator engaged in a genocidal mission. Israel has been doing the same crime for more than 70 years. Other despots in the Arab World are ready to commit the same brutal massacre if the people come down to the streets for their democratic rights like the brave Syrians. Their deep hatred against human rights and people’s participation in politics is not unknown. Like Bashar al-Assad, these despots are fearful of their own people. Hence, they are highly fearful of the so-called Arab Spring. The US-led coalition is worried, too. Therefore, it is the common strategy of these despotic rulers and the US-led imperialists to dismantle or contain the Arab Spring. So, they got common ground to celebrate the overthrow of the Egyptian President Dr. MuhammadMorsi -the first elected President of the country by the Army. Thus the US government’s fake love for democracy and the real love of autocracy is exposed. In order to stop the wave of Arab Spring, the rulers of Saudi Arabia and UAE –the US partners in an anti-democracy coalition, gave billions of dollars to the Egyptian Army and other anti-democratic forces in Egypt to overthrow President Morsi. The rulers of Saudi Arabia and UAE are now extending their arms to embrace Syria’s killer Basher al-Assad to include him in the same club of criminal despots. General Abdul Fatah al-Sisi of Egypt –the brutal killer is also taken as a partner to kill and suppress the Islamists. Recently, they could also dismantle the democratic government in Tunisia. So the crimes against Islam and human rights continue in the Muslim World. 16.06.2021.
ওয়েব সাইটটি এখন আপডেট করা হচ্ছে। আগের লেখাগুলো নতুন ওয়েব সাইটে পুরাপুরি আনতে কয়েকদিন সময় নিবে। ধন্যবাদ।
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