The Calamity of Neo-jaheliya in the Muslim World
- Posted by Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal
- Posted on January 5, 2019
- Islam
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Conversion to the old jaheliha
Ignorance (jaheliya) is the mother of all ugly inhumanities and failures. Today’s Muslims stand as the perfect testimony to that. The early Muslims could raise the finest civilisation on earth only because of their full compliance with the most fundamental basics of Islam like seeking Qur’anic knowledge, establishing Islamic state and practising sharia, hudud, Muslim unity, khilafa and jihad. But today’s Muslims fail on every count of all those basics. They now survive with full non-compliance or arrogant disobedience against those fundamentals. So they could made a history of quick downfall. They are making history in disunity, fratricidal wars, decadence, destruction, corruption, alliance with kuffars and rebellion against the order of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. They indeed present themselves as a totally dissimilar brand of people from the early Muslims.
Iman and ignorance are mutually incompatible; hence, an ignorant man or woman can never be a true Muslim. Nor can be even a humane imbued with higher values. Deprivation of Qur’anic knowledge works as the key barrier to that. Since iman can never grow, nor can survive in presence of ignorance, Allah Sub’han wa Ta’la needed to start with the first thing first. This is why ‘iqra’ becomes the first Divine command in the holy Qur’an. Iqra (read) has a wider a connotation: it implies that reading has an immense importance for accessing Divine knowledge. Therefore, a Muslim must start his life with Qur’anic knowledge. Before Islam, the Arabs had a history of ugly failures; but the holy Qur’an showed its miracles by bringing revolutionary changes in their life. Other peoples could build big empires, amazing monuments, pyramids, palaces, temples, walls, sculptures, potteries and paintings; but the Muslims are the only ones who could raise a civilisation based on the rule of Divine laws, higher values, justice, equality, social welfare and trans-ethnic brotherhood. On the top of all those huge achievements, they are the only ones who could show the right path to the paradise and saved hundreds of millions of people from the hellfire. Such a miracle could only happen because of their full and deep conversion to Islam –the only true Divine religion on earth, and total abhorrence of all shreds of ignorance. Assimilation of the Qur’anic knowledge in their beliefs and deeds worked as the key to all those spectacular successes.
But now, they are making a different history. Every day, they are dropping down to a new low and engaging in a new phase of division, destruction and brutality. Their current downhill course indeed owes to mass conversion to the old ignorance (jaheliya) in new names. Instead of Islam, they have returned back to the pre-Islamic Arab jahiliya of secularism, tribalism, racism, nationalism, monarchism, hedonism and mutually exterminating brutality. They are blessed with hundreds of trillions of dollars of unearned natural wealth; but these are now being spent in collaboration with the imperialist enemies on wars, genocidal massacres and massive destructions –as happening in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Mali, Somalia and other Muslim countries. Even the pre-Islamic Arab kuffars (note: kuffar hasn’t an iota of abusive intention, rather taken as Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la’s preferred Sunnah of describing the exact state of people who deny Islam –as has consistently been used in the holy Qur’an) didn’t engage in such brutality and destructions as happening now. Nor did they make any coalition with the kuffars of the contemporary Roman or Persian Empires to dismantle the nascent Islamic state of the great prophet (peace be upon him). At least, in those days, millions of Muslim people were not evicted from their own homes and forced to cross sea on boats and seek shelter in Europe. Jaheliya is always ugly, brutal and destructive. Not only it takes people to the hellfire, but also creates terrible hells on earth. Hence, trillions of petro-dollars and thousands of schools and colleges in the Muslim World could add no higher sense, values, morality to these new converts to jahiliya; rather added new intensity to their brutality.
Worse than the infidels!
These new converts to jahiliya in the Muslim lands have turned worse than the cow, monkey, snake, and idol-worshipping Hindus. Despite huge linguistic, ethnic and cultural differences, more than 1.3 billion Indian Hindus could merge together into one state. As a result, they are a significant regional power and trying to be a World Power. But less than 300 million Arabs –despite their one Allah, one language and one geography needed to build more than 20 states to feed their selfish tribal appetite. Like their pre-Islamic kuffar ancestors, these Arabs now celebrate their divisive borders, walls, flags and tribal bondage. Moreover, mutual killings and destructions have become the parts of their new political culture. The rulers of the Muslim countries have turned into new pharaoh and do not allow any opposition voices on the streets. They drop barrel bombs on civilians, run tanks and heavy artillery on the streets and even use chemical bombs to kill the protesters. All these atrocities are seen in cities and villages of Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Mali and Yemen and on the streets of Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, and Bangladesh. They even invite the foreign kuffars to carry out massacres in the Muslim lands –as revealed through the bombing campaigns of the USA, Russia, France, the UK, and Italy. No infidel ruler invites such alien killers to bomb his own citizens.
Love for the enemies is not a new disease. It showed its grave signs even in the days of last prophet (peace be upon you). Hence, Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la addressed the issue very seriously; and revealed many verses on that. In the holy Qur’an, the Muslims are repeatedly warned against friendship with the combatant enemies. It was revealed: “O you who believe! Do not take My enemy and your enemy as friends; would you offer them love while they disbelieved in the revelation of the Truth that has come to you in the Quran and expelled the messenger and yourselves from your homes only because you believe in the one Allah alone. If you go forth in jihad in My path and seek My pleasure, would you make manifest love to them? And I know what you conceal and what you manifest; whoever of you does this has indeed gone deviated from the straight path.” –(Sura Mumtanhana, verse 1).
As per above verse, making friendship with the combatant kuffars is a definitive marker of deviation from siratul mustaqeem. But awfully, such deviation has been the way of politics, statesmanship and warfare in most of the Muslim countries. The USA’s hatred against the Muslims and love for their own occupation and the Israeli occupation of Muslim land is not hidden. They are responsible for more than a million deaths and massive destruction in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen. Despite all this anti-Muslim bias and atrocities, they are still taken as friend and allowed to establish military bases to bomb more Muslims.
Similarly, India has its own history of anti-Muslim bias and atrocities. In the name of so-called communal riots, killing the Muslims, destroying the Muslim properties and dismantling the historic mosques like Babri Mosque are the parts of the dominant Indian Hindu culture. The whole political and administrative infrastructures of India work with the singular anti-Muslim strategy to keep its 200 million Muslims as the poorest and the most de-empowered people on earth –much poorer than the India’s untouchables. Extreme Muslim-phobia works here; hence their social, economic and educational progress has been severely restrained. As result, the number of doctors, engineers, lawyers, scientists, industrialists and civil servants that live in only one city of Dhaka or Karachi, more than 200 million Indian Muslims are not allowed to produce even half of that. About 700, 000 Indian troops are kept in Kashmir to sustain the brutal occupation of this Muslim land. About a hundred thousand Muslims have already been killed and injured in Kashmir. The killing and raping campaign still continues there. How a Muslim with an iota of faith in Islam and love for the Muslims can make friendship with such a combatant enemy? But despite all these atrocities against Islam and the Muslims, India enjoys friendship and co-operation not only with Bangladesh and Afghanistan but also from many Muslim countries. Allah Sub’hana Ta’al’s warning against such co-operation with kuffars falls on deaf ears. Whoever has the slightest faith in Almighty Lord, can he ignore the stern warning embedded in the following verse? It is revealed: “Let not the believers take the unbelievers as friends rather than the believers; and whoever does this, he shall have nothing of (the protection and guidance of) Allah, but you should guard yourselves against them, guarding carefully; and Allah makes you cautious of (retribution from) Himself; and to Allah is the eventual returning.” –(Sura al-Imran, verse 26).
Due to full submission to the Qur’anic commands, the early Muslims enjoyed immense immunity against the known enemies. But now, the situation has totally changed. Due to detachment from the Qur’anic teachings, such immunity is lost. As a result, the disease now exists as a widely spread cancer. More than 20 states in the Muslim Middle East and the whole herd of the ruling tribes are indeed the products of an intimate collaboration with the combatant kuffars. Not only Israel, all the tribal states of the Muslim Middle East came into illicit existence through such collaboration. Such collaboration with the enemies never added any dignity to the Muslims, rather brought abject humiliation. Regular slaps on the Muslim face by a tiny Israel and deaths and destructions in the Muslim lands provide ample proofs of that.
Since the establishment of the model Islamic state by the prophet (peace be upon him) in Medina, the Muslims never allowed any kuffar force to build any military base or enclave in any part of the Muslim land. The Umaiyah, the Abbasia and the Osmania khilafa didn’t make any compromise on that fundamental issue. But now, the new converts to jaheliya have made a 180 degree shift in the traditional policy of the ummah. Since they do not draw any legitimacy from Islam, and neither from the people, stay always dependent on the collaboration with their kuffar protectors. They do not trust their own people, either. Hence, for staying in power, getting foreign help by any means is their key strategy. Therefore, they allowed the US-led coalition to establish military bases in the heart lands of Islam –as currently exist in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Syria.
However, protecting these subservient clients is not the main agenda of the imperialists. They protect these clients only to use them as the compliant partners to crush any Islamisation project in the Muslim World. They even install new clients to do the job more brutally. As a part of the imperialists’ project, newly installed General Abul Fatah al-Sisi and his Army are carrying the same old assignment to crush the Islamists in Egypt. He is being prompted to extend his brutal hand even in neighbouring Libya to crush the Islamists there. Billions of petro-dollars are given by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and UAE to finance such ant-Islamic projects of the kuffars. There is no doubt that strong Islamophobia works not only among the imperialist kuffars, but also among the despotic Muslim rulers. Hence, they are forced to work together for their own survival. Likewise, in Bangladesh and Afghanistan, the Indian Hindu infidels have made strong coalition with the native anti-Islamic secularists and socialists to crush the Islamists there. As a result of such joint conspiracy against Islam, the Islamic basics like sharia, hudud, khilafa, jihad, shura and trans-tribal brotherhood that were practised by the prophet (peace be upon him) of Islam has no place in the occupied Muslim World. Like any worst infidels, the ruling despots of the Muslim countries stand fiercely against any emergence of such a state in any place of the Muslim world. In fact, whoever show any audacity to return back to the prophet’s (peace be upon him) days of sharia, hudud, khilafa, jihad, shura and trans-ethnic Muslim brotherhood are labelled as the public enemy number one. For their annihilation, they even make coalition with the native and foreign kuffars. The whole secular propaganda machineries are engaged globally to label the Islamists as the bad guys. Surprisingly, those who have killed millions in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen and turned thousands of cities and villages into rubbles have never been given such a bad label in their media. So, the question arises, if the Islamists who stand for Islamic fundamentals like Islamic state, sharia, hudud, khilafa, jihad and pan-Islamic brotherhood are the bad guys, where the good guys that could bring back the prophetic days of obligatory sharia, hudud, khilafa, jihad, shura and border-dismantling unity again in the Muslim World? Should the Muslims practise Islam without such obligatory basics and return back to their Almighty Lord as the bad guys and face the infinite hellfire? Can a true believer embrace such a terrible route towards the hellfire?
Intoxication of lies
While intoxicated, people can speak and do nonsense. They terribly fail even to figure out the shining Truth out of ugly and established lies. Intoxication of lies does the same harm against the Truth. In a corruptive milieu of deep ignorance (jaheliya), even cows, monkeys, snakes, naked humans, mountains, stones and idols turn to be the holy objects of worship –as hugely practised by more than a billion Hindu people of India, Nepal, Bangladesh and many other countries. Because of the same intoxication, the man-made ideologies, laws, and dogmas receive deep respect in all ages. Islam could cure millions of such intoxicated people in Asia, Africa and Europe in its early days. It could achieve such miracle only through spreading the Qur’anic knowledge –the greatest Gift from the Almighty Creator for His human creation. The holy Qur’an has indeed proved its worth as the only antidote to such intoxication.
But now, because of detachment from the holy Qur’an, the deep intoxication with ignorance –like the pre-Islamic days, has engulfed most of the Muslims. As a result, they create states and raise armies, political parties, cultural organisations and civil societies to protect their own myths and intoxication with fanciful lies. While intoxicated, people can do awful ugly things. They can even burn their own houses, destroy their own cities, kill their own people and sacrifice their own life for the well-known lies. That is now exactly happening in the Muslim World. Only in the span of last 60 years, tens of millions of people in the Muslim World sacrificed their lives for proven falsehood like secularism, nationalism, socialism, communism, fascism and others ideologies. Therefore, more Muslims died for falsehood than for Islam. More awfully, they built 57 states for non-Islam, and not even a single state for Islam. A man’s true man is expressed through his intention and investment in state building. It need sacrifice of wealth and life. Most of the companions had to sacrifice their life to materialise this huge task; the enemies didn’t allow to go it peacefully. Now, the Muslims are moving in the direction 180 degree opposite to that of the early Muslims.
Although the Muslims didn’t return back to worshipping of cows, monkeys, snakes, stones and idols, but they converted quite deeply and massively to others inventions of the falsehood like nationalism, socialism, capitalism, communism, fascism and other evil ideologies. Now, they survive with such falsehood in their personal life, politics, culture, judiciary and economics. Because of such conversion to jaheliaya, they pay the ugliest disrespect even to the greatest gift of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la –the holy Qur’an. They make states, run judiciary and raise armies not to implement the Qur’anic prescription of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la or to add any glory to Islam, but to practise the kuffar ideologies, culture and laws. In order to dismantle the pan-Islamic Muslim brotherhood, they have raised divisive borders in the Muslim World. Because of such restrictive borders, the devout Muslims face difficult hurdles even to get access for pilgrimage to the holy places. On the other hand, all the land, air and sea frontiers of the Muslim states are made open for the US-led coalition. As a result, the kuffar armies can enter even into the holy land of Islam and establish the military bases without any restriction. The door is widely open even in the field of ideology, culture, politics, trade and anti-Islamic warfare. Even the premises of mosques, schools, madrasahs and colleges stay under their constant surveillance. Which verses of the holy Qur’an should be taught in classes or recited in the sermons are not decided by the imams or mullahs but the advisers from US-led coalition. Thus, everything in the Muslim World stays under the imperialists’ radar. Such occupation of the Muslim ummah started with the advent of colonial occupation. The foreign colonialists have left; but the same occupation survives in education, culture, politics, economics and judiciary under the native stooges with the colonised mind. But, like an intoxicated man or woman, the Muslims turn euphoric to celebrate such occupation as independence! If the current tide of neo-jaheliya continues, there is no doubt that the Muslims have much more defeat, deaths and humiliation to endure in the near future.
ওয়েব সাইটটি এখন আপডেট করা হচ্ছে। আগের লেখাগুলো নতুন ওয়েব সাইটে পুরাপুরি আনতে কয়েকদিন সময় নিবে। ধন্যবাদ।
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