The Muslims’ Betrayal of the Civilizational Role
- Posted by Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal
- Posted on January 6, 2019
- Islam
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The neglected objective –
The Muslims claim to be the followers of Islam; but they live without pursuing Islam’s key objective. Because of that, they could ignore the importance of politics –the most powerful tool to purse any civilizational objective. In fact, the downfall of the Muslims not only owes to colonisation of Muslim lands and their minds by the colonial enemies, but also to their own insane attitude towards politics –especially of those who claim to be religious scholar or ulama. Among the so-called puritan Muslims –called traditional ulama, politics is a highly detested taboo. As if, politics is a tool of distraction from ibadah and the Qur’anic straight path. As if, it is an exclusive domain of dirty worldly people.
Because of such a conceptual epidemic in the Muslim World, most of the religious scholars and the common Muslims stay out of politics. As a result, an empty space was voluntarily created for the foreign or home-grown anti-Islamic forces to occupy the driving seats of almost every Muslim country. Even when the Muslim lands were occupied one by one by the kuffar colonialists these so-called ulama remained confined inside their own religious seminaries. The enemies of Islam thus could take control of the whole Muslim World without fighting a single significant war. It is indeed the most calamitous event in the whole history of Islam. They terribly failed to understand the importance of politics. They fail to recognise that the prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) not only engaged in politics but also was the head of Islamic state. This way he left a sunnah cum legacy for his followers. Moreover, for others, politics is a tool for grabbing power and pursuing the selfish interest. But for Muslims, it is the holy mission for attaining Islam’s civilizational vision. Therefore denial of politics is indeed the betrayal of Prophet’s (peace be upon him) teachings. It is also a betrayal of Islam’s humanising cum civilizational objective. How such betrayal can be reconciled with the vision of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la that entails that His deen should prevail over all other faiths and religions?
Even now, the antipathy to politics is playing the most damaging role to speed up the ongoing downfall of the Muslims. Such a conceptual collapse of the so-called ulama could only happen due to total deprivation of an ideological cum political understanding. It is their utmost intellectual incompetence that owes to their utter ignorance of Islam’s early history and its sociological and philosophical concepts. Because of such conceptual incompetence and ignorance, they proved totally unfit to have any leadership role in the Muslim World. They have totally withdrawn even from the ideological frontline and captured the back seats. Whereas in the early days of Islam, ruling and leading the ummah always remained the exclusive domain of the most religious people. As long as the prophet (peace be upon him) was alive, such a key role was always in his hand. After his death, the role was undertaken in succession by the next most religious man in the ummah –like the rightly guided four khalifa. Therefore, it is the legacy of the prophet (peace be upon him) and his rightly guided companions that the best Muslims must be in the central stage of the state and must take the driving seats in every steps of its governance, defence and expansion. Hence, withdrawal from the politics is indeed the betrayal of the core legacy of the prophet (peace be upon him) and his best companions. Such betrayal always causes the most disastrous consequence. In fact, because of such a betrayal, the whole Muslim World now stands seized from all sides by the worst enemies.
Crime of rejecting politics
Politics itself is the gateway to access control of the statecraft. The rulers indeed execute their policies through politics. For that, they use and abuse the state infrastructures. Hence, rejecting politics is itself rejecting a powerful tool; how Muslims could build the finest civilization on earth and emerge as the most powerful World Power without the power of the state craft. One can be saint sitting in tent or cave, but can’t become a builder of a civilization. Nor can he set values, implement law, give protection and deliver justice. Hence staying away from politics is a huge crime against the Muslim Ummah. It is the tool of de-empowerment of the Muslims. Such rejection of politics leaves a void to be taken over by the enemies without a fight. And such enemy occupation always caused awful havoc for the Muslims. This is why, the prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) needed to take away this powerful weapon from the enemies. It is indeed his great sunnah cum legacy of the prophet (peace be upon him). More than 70% companions of the prophet (peace be upon him) had to sacrifice their lives to achieve that. As a result, the state and its institutions were used as a powerful value-adding tool. The best humans in the whole history could be produced only because of such a state-supported value-adding process. In that effort, the holy Qur’an was used as the text book.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught not only the holy Qur’an, but also sociology, psychology, philosophy, history, politics, administration and other social sciences. His own teacher was All-knowing Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. In those days, there was no school or college in Arabia. His mosque-based school in Medina was the only teaching institute. And the prophet (peace be upon him) was its whole-time teacher. In those fateful days of Islam, the best governors, administers, judges and generals got their education and training in that mosque-based institute. If the politics of manipulating the state power had been in the hand of evil forces, was it feasible for the prophet’s (peace be upon you) to operate such a Divine value-adding process in the midst of the kuffars.
It was the prophet’s (peace be upon you) sociological concept that every human is born as a pure Muslim, but grows up as a Muslim or a Christian or a Jew or an idolater depending on societal cum educational influence. Such a concept makes political, educational and cultural engineering indispensable for nurturing people with a specific moral mould. This is why, in humanising or dehumanising humans and in corrupting or correcting their characters, the social cum intellectual environment raised by the ruler and its political, cultural and educational institutions play the most decisive role. This is why, the state-run institutions of Pharaoh and the cultural milieu could make the people man-worshipping criminals. Likewise, the Indian Hindu rulers and the supportive priests could make the people cow, snake or idol worshipping psychopaths. But the success of the western imperialists and their institutions went further down the dehumanising route; they could make their people perfect ethnic cleanser, slave traders, gas chamber operators and atomic bombers. These flag bearers of modernity could kill 75 million people only in two World Wars.
Politics: the crucial tool
Whoever understands Islam and the prophetic concept, can’t ignore or detest politics. Politics is not only about ruling a country; it is also about governing the people’s faith, culture and life style. It is about framing constitutions, building institutions, enforcing laws, doing the good things and eradicating the evils. It is about educating the people, protecting and promoting the ideas, securing the securities for the citizens and the state. It is about mobilising the people, building and cementing the bondages, protecting the borders, making friends with the neighbours and conducting war against the enemies. Hence, politics is everywhere. It is about implementing Islam and promoting the Vision of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. It is all about ibadah. Without engaging in politics, how one can practise Islam? How can one implement sharia, hudud, shura, jihad and other obligatory Qur’anic basics? Politics is indeed embedded in every step of practising Islam. All great civilizational achievements in human history like human rights, women’s rights, abolition of slavery, abolition of colonialism, end of enemy occupation and many others owe to political actions of the people. The great iconic personalities of Islam like Imam Hussain (RA), Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Ahmed Hanbal, Imam Ibne Taimiyah, and many others had to suffer severe persecution; some of them even martyrdom, due to their political thoughts.
Whoever is insane can’t understand the worth of life-saving medicine; they even run away from the treatment. Those who are insane conceptually, they don’t behave differently either. They detest and keep themselves away from politics. It owes to their inadequacy of knowledge not only on political science but also on social sciences. Since such sciences are not taught in religious schools, such ignorance is quiet deeper among the so-called ulama. Hence they fail to realize that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his rightly guided khalifa were not only the religious leader; they were the political leader of the ummah, too. They were the head of the state. How a Muslim can reject their sunnah? Without engaging in politics, is it possible to be a full Muslim? In fact, the political training is indispensable to lead the Muslims wisely and successfully in the war-prone International arena. Otherwise, crippling incompleteness ensues. In fact, because of these incomplete Muslims, the Muslim Ummah has reached the current quagmire.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle described humans as the political animals. Politics is the science of organising, mobilising and governing societies and states for the continuous betterment of people’s lives. Civilizations are the outcome of such collective efforts of men and women. Such an instinct propels humans to sacrifice their time, wealth, energy, even life to bring changes in the country where they live. Animals do not possess such instinct, they survive only to eat, drink and to procure. Hence people with animal instinct can’t build any civilisation. A Muslim must possess the political instinct to fit into Islam’s own framework of vision, mission and objective. Only those who fit into the Vision of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la can engage in jihad and attain shahadah (martyrdom). The Vision is li’yuzhirahu aladdini kullihi; it means that His prescribed code of life (deen) should prevail over all other deens. That was true for the companions of the prophet (peace be upon him). That is why all of them joined jihad and majority of them attained shahada. But those who claim to be the traditional ulama or moderate Muslim they have taken a different path. In their path, there is no Islamic state, no jihad, no shahada and no place for sharia and khilafa. So, it runs far away from the path of the prophet (peace be upon him) and his rightly guided companions. So, no drone or missile falls on heads of these deviated pseudo-Muslims. Rather, all the despotic rulers of the Muslim countries keep their door open to welcome them. Even the enemies of Islam spread prayer mats for them.
The crime of inaction
In the golden days of Islam, building and defending an Islamic state called khilafa always occupied the central part of the Muslims’ agenda. They used to spend wealth, fight wars and sacrifice life for that. Today, it is a very peripheral issue of the common Muslims and a non-issue for the so-called ulama. Some people think casting a vote in every 4 of 5 years is enough to do the job. They have little or no role in islamisation of the state. As a result of such inaction, most of the Muslim states stay unfit or incapacitated to do any meaningful service to Islam and the Muslims. Inaction is not the part of Islam; Muslims pleases Allah Sub’hana wa Tala only through benevolent actions. Muhammad bin Qasim – a brave Muslim general hurried with his Army to save the oppressed Hindu people of Sind from a tyrant ruler. But now the Muslim rulers and their armies stand silent while the Muslims are persecuted in their neighbouring countries. Sometimes, they become part of the persecution. Such collaborator of evil are huge in the Muslim World. For example, the former Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf and his cronies collaborated with the US invasion in Afghanistan and helped arrest hundreds of innocent people to feed Guantanamo Bay prison. The former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak didn’t allow even the injured Muslims of Gaza to enter Egypt while they were heavily bombed by Israel. The Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina didn’t allow the boats of tormented Rohynga Muslims to get nearer to the sea shore of the country. And the Syrian and Iraqi refugees didn’t receive any easy access to Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich gulf states; as a result, they needed to sail their unsafe boat to cross the Mediterranean Sea. Thousands of them died on the way and many women were raped. These are the harsh reality of the Muslim World. It tells a lot about the total incompetence cum criminality of the rulers who now rule the Muslim World.
Unsafe even for the Muslims
Under any despotic rule, a Muslim state never works as a safe haven even for Islam and the Muslims. Instead, such a country, like any other kuffar country, turn equally hostile to full practice of Islam. And how one can practise full Islam without practising sharia, hudud, shura, khelafa and jihad. Islam as a complete code of life can never be fully practised in a hut, tent, cave or palace. It needs a conducive and enabling environment of an Islamic state. So, the prophet of Islam and his companions had to build a state. How can a Muslim ignore such a great legacy? Communism ceased to exist as a political power after the collapse of the Soviet Russia in 1991. Communism now survives only in the Marxist books. The same has happened to Muslims after the ruin of the core Islamic state. Now, sharia, hudud, shura, jihad, khilafa and other Divine prescriptions are found only in the holy Qur’an and in the books of Islamic fiq’h. These have no place in Muslims’ life; nor in any Muslim country! Surprisingly, after all these grotesque deviation from the prophet’s (peace be upon him) legacy, they still think Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la is pleased with them and they will enter paradise! In the holy Qur’an, Allah Sub’han wa Ta’la depicted the same funny belief of the Jewish people to warn such erroneous Muslims They were given sharia in Torah; they were asked to establish a state and practise sharia. They betrayed the decree of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. But still they claim that they are the chosen people of the Lord and will enter paradise. Allah Sub’han wa Ta’la never fulfill the wishful thinking of the rebels. 10/03/17
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