The twenty-first-century crusade and the internal crusaders
- Posted by ফিরোজ মাহবুব কামাল
- Posted on August 15, 2021
- English, Muslim world
- 1 Comment.
Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal
The crusaders: external and internal
The Muslim World now faces the most crucial war in its history. It is the US-led coalition’s crusade on Islam. While launching a war on Iraq in 2003, the former US President George W. Bush formally announced it as a crusade. Crusade has its own historical implication and legacy. It isn’t a single state’s war against a single Muslim state. It is indeed the Christian World’s combined civilizational war on Muslims. Like the previous crusades, the current one, too, is joined by many Christian countries. The medieval crusades were limited to military occupation and genocide in Jerusalem and in the surrounding areas. There was not a single Muslim collaborator in their midst. But the current crusade has many; they are indeed the internal crusaders.
The ongoing crusade has two forms. Firstly, a crusade by the external enemies. It runs in the form of direct military occupation, genocide, long-term confinement of Muslim defenders in Guantanamo bay-like prisons, torture, mental colonization, educational and cultural engineering. It bombes cities to rubbles drives people out of their homes and drops bombs on wedding and funeral gatherings –as committed many times in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is multi-national and multi-dimensional. Therefore, the USA had more than 50 countries as partners in its occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya are the worst victims of these external crusaders. Secondly, a crusade run by the internal enemies. It also causes brutal occupation, massacres, torture, forced disappearances, extrajudicial murders, dissolution of rule of law, and annihilation of basic human rights. Egypt, Syria, Bangladesh, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, and many others are the most awful victims of this second form of a crusade. Both forms of crusades possess the same objective: it is to block the resurgence of Islam and to eliminate those who want to practice Prophet (peace be upon him)’s Islam that entails Islamic state, shura, sharia, hudud, jihad, and pan-Islamic unity.
Like the external enemies, the internal enemies, too, use tanks, artillery guns, machine guns, and helicopter gunships to kill unarmed civilians. On 14 August 2013, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi rolled tanks and heavy artillery guns on the streets of Cairo to massacre more than two thousand unarmed protestors at Rabaa al-Adawiya square. In that carnage, about 4 thousand people were injured. And those who survived were taken to prisons. The Syrian crusader Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons many times to kill innocent men, women, and children. On the night of 5 May 2013, hundreds of innocent street protestors were massacred by the Army of Bangladesh to protect the fascist regime of Sheikh Hasina. Artillery guns and machine guns were used against the unarmed people. Democracy, free press, rule of law, and basic human rights have no place in these occupied countries. Thousands of people are languishing in jails in Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States only for expressing their independent views. Expressing political opinions is a punishable crime in those countries.
Crimes against democracy
Both the external and internal enemies have special enmity against democracy. They cooperate with each other to kill the democratic rights of the people. To block the democratic process in Algeria, a coup d’état cum genocide against Islamists was engineered in 1991. Because the winning party in the election was the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS). The emerging election victory of the Islamists brought brutal wrath on them. The election victory of Hamas in 2006 was also undone by the same anti-Islamic global coalition. These western imperialists didn’t recognize the victory of Hamas. Whereas, the former US President Jimmy Carter –the leading member of the international monitoring team told that the election was fair and transparent.
Now there remains a little doubt about the USA-led coalition’s zero-tolerance against the election victory of the Islamists in any part of the world. This is why the Army’s coup d’état against Dr. Mohammad Morsi –the first elected President of Egypt was supported by the US-led imperialists’ camp. Now, the autocratic suspension of parliament in Tunisia –the birth place of Arab spring receives applause in the same circle. Now the imperialists’ camp making a lot of noise that the Taleban fighters are taking control of Afghanistan without any popular mandate. Did the USA take control of Afghanistan in 2001 and of Iraq in 2003 with any popular mandate? Even if Taleban gets the popular mandate in any election, will these western imperialists give them legitimacy? History shows, they have no love for democracy. They have love only for their hegemony. If they have any love for democracy, why didn’t they support the election victory of Islamist Hamas in Palestine in 2006? Why did they put an embargo on the formation of government by Hamas? Why didn’t they support Dr. Mohammad Morsi -the first elected President of Egypt against General Abdel Fatah Sisi’s military coup in 2012? And why did they cooperate with the Army leaders who made coup d’état to obstruct the election victory of the Islamist FIS in Algeria in 1991? Their policies and behavior indeed exposed their ugly mockery of democracy and human rights. Truly, even the first Islamic State under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) didn’t get international legitimacy. The contemporary World Powers like the Roman and the Persian Empires tried their best to annihilate the Islamic State in its formative days. Legitimacy was established only by prevailing over the enemies in wars. Taleban has taken the same path. The crusaders –both external and internal have a strong distaste for that.
The crime of silence and inaction
The crimes of the US-led imperialists abound everywhere. Destruction of cities, deaths of innocents, eviction of people from homes are the outcomes of every US occupation. In corridors of crimes, silence is itself a crime of appeasing the criminals. Such silence encourages them to commit more crimes. But surprisingly, the criminal silence prevails all over the world. Even the UNO stays mum. Whereas, in two World Wars, none of the warring countries was so heavily bombed –as the enemies bombed Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, and Palestine. The native population was never evicted in such a huge number as done in those countries. The USA-phobia keeps the world leaders and people mum. Whereas, for those who can stop crime, their silence and inaction are a major sin in Islam. “Enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong” is the Qur’anic assignment for every believing man and woman. Hence, silence is incompatible with the Islamic way of life. Such silence is the policy of morally sick men and women. Such people do not disturb or resist the criminals from doing crimes.
The UNO could quickly stop the war; it is its official duty to do so. But the member of the UN Security Council couldn’t pass even a single resolution to condemn such genocidal war crimes, let alone stop them. No amount of barrel bombs, chemical bombs, cluster bombs could break the passionate inaction of this world body. So, the ugly war crimes continue. By inaction, the UN becomes an accomplice in the crimes. There is a discernible reason for such inaction of the UN against wars in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. It doesn’t enjoy its own independence.
The captive UNO
The UNO itself stands captive. Its governing body –the Security Council, stands under the full occupation of the established war criminals. They fought two World Wars and committed unprecedented crimes in both wars. The UNO is a post-World War II creation. Hence, it is the product of a psyche loaded with pathological greed for global hegemony. These warring parties showed their teeth of barbarity by killing more than 75 million people only in two World Wars. The USA –the most powerful member of the club set a new record of barbarity by dropping two nuclear bombs on two cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that instantly burnt to death alive about 140, 000 people. For that worst crime in human history, the USA didn’t face any punishment or condemnation. Rather, it becomes part of the US values –duly practiced in the occupied countries. Former President George W. Bush described the 9/11 event as an attack on those values. The UNO came into being only to sustain the newly gained supremacy of the winning parties in World War II. The winning countries like the USA, the Socialist Soviet Union of Russia (USSR), the UK, France, and China secured the veto-owning permanent status in the Security Council. The majority of the world population was kept out of this most powerful international body.
It has been claimed that the main purpose of UNO’s creation is to protect the world from further wars and to promote peace globally. But the history proves otherwise. The veto-owning countries proved to be the key promoters of wars across the world –sometimes by direct wars of invasions and sometimes by wars by the proxies. How the UNO can stop a war while most of the bombs, drones, and missiles are made and dropped by the five permanent members of the Security Council. The UNO indeed proves that it has been created only to protect the domineering interest of the big powers. This is why it can’t even condemn the most grotesque war crimes of the client states. As a result, Russia could flatten Grozny and annex Crimea, the USA could bomb Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria and China could put more than a million Uighur Muslims in concentration camps without facing protest in the UNO. And Israel –a USA protégé doesn’t face any condemnation for its unfettered crimes of the occupation, ethnic cleansing, illegal settlement colonization, and bombing campaigns in Gaza. The strangulation of the UNO by the warmongering stakeholders only could lead to its moral death. The moral death of the UNO is so much pronounced even on formative days that it couldn’t find any ethical problem in giving recognition to the illegal creation of Israel on the occupied land of the local Arabs. Nor did it find any immorality to give prompt legality to the US occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Even after two destructive World Wars, the warring countries like the USA, the UK, Russia, France, and China didn’t exhaust their appetite to commit more crimes. The post-World War occupations and genocides in Palestine, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Xinxiang, Algeria, and many other countries give convincing testimony to that. Because of its own captivity and moral death, the UNO couldn’t do anything for the people under the foreign occupation. The USA’s own immorality is so horrible that its army personnel in recent years embraced the Kurdish YPG terrorists in Syria as partners in war. Whereas, they are known as terrorists even by the US administration for years. To demonstrate the alignment with YPG Marxist terrorists, during their stay in Syria, the USA army personnel wore the Marxist-Leninist emblem. It is clear that the anti-Islamic obsession has unfettered the US policymakers from any moral inhibition. Hence, they are ready to embrace any tyrant thugs like killer Abdel Fattah al-Sisi of Egypt, the Saudi King, Sheikhs of the Gulf States, and the YPG terrorists as partners in their crusade against Islam.
The global epidemic of immorality
Immorality is no less virulent and epidemic than a physical disease like Covid-19. Because of its epidemic spread and virulence, immorality can be an integral part of the dominant culture and values. This is why the immorality of Pharaoh badly affected the Egyptian common people. As a result, they could become a party to brutal crimes against the people of Israel. They could kill the Jewish males and enslave the females. The moral immorality of the West European rulers and colonizers infected so much the common people that they could fully engage in enslaving the Africans and genocidal ethnic cleansing of Red Indians in the USA, Aborigine in Australia, and Maoris in New Zealand. Adolf Hitler’s moral ill-health also could infect the common Germans. Therefore, they didn’t face any moral inhibition to become feeders of the gas chambers with Jews. However, in modern days, the moral death is not confined within the imperialists’ either. Most leaders of the Muslim countries also suffer from similar moral death. Hence, they stand shoulder to shoulder with the imperialists in the crusade against Islam and Muslims. Because of moral death, they stay silent on the USA’s war of occupation and genocidal crimes –as if they have no role to stop the ongoing brutalities.
In all ages, it has been the popular culture of evil forces to rejoice deaths and destruction in the occupied lands. Such enemy practices are not new in the Muslim lands. In recent times, the people of Palestine, Afghanistan, and Iraq have seen the dancing perpetrators of such crimes on their streets. The US soldiers made a lot of fun by making pyramids by the naked bodies of the captive Iraqis. Such a practice tells a lot about moral ill-health. It is indeed the culture of the medieval Christian crusaders who did a genocidal war in Palestine. Whereas, Muslims exhibited a different culture. The infidels of Makkah or the Christians of Jerusalem didn’t feel even the slightest horror of war when the cities were taken over by the Muslims. Not a single man was killed while Jerusalem came under Muslim rule. But the Muslims of Jerusalem had a full blood bath when it was taken by the crusaders. That happened, too, to the Muslims of Spain by the hands of the Christian conquerors. It was a total cleansing of Muslims and Islam from Spain. The same horror visited many Asian and African countries in the 18th and 19th centuries with the colonial rule of the European imperialists. In the 20th century, it was the joint invasion of the Osmania khilafa that caused the disintegration of the Arab World into 22 pieces and created an illegal state of Israel in their midst by forceful eviction of the natives. Now it is the 21st century’s crusade that has attained a new height of barbarity. Thousands of bombs, drones, and missiles are being dropped on Muslim cities and villages. Such barbarity never happened with any other people on the earth.
The ongoing crusade has its own pathological backdrop. The anti-Muslim hatred of the early crusaders never died out from the psyche of the European Christians. It was replayed in the colonial era and re-emerged in 21st century’s western imperialism. Later on, its severity got amplified by anti-Islamic virulence. Even a small headscarf of a Muslim schoolgirl becomes an object of severe hate and distaste. In such a milieu, a crusade gets popularity. Hence the popularity of US President George W. Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair jumped high when a crusade was declared against Iraq. However, in the Muslim World, the ongoing crusade has a different face. An individual western country like the USA no more works alone there like a lone predator. They form a global coalition. Therefore, in the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the USA was not alone. More than 60 countries joined as partners –as was claimed by John Kerry, the former US Secretary of State.
The status quo of occupation
The imperialists have their own agenda in the occupation of the Muslim countries. The natural resources and the strategic importance of the Arab World have attracted more enemies than friends. If a rich man stays weak, invites robbers. That has exactly happened with the resource-reach Arab World. Now the robbers have made military bases in their midst. A watchdog-state like Israel has been established in the heart of the Arab World to keep a constant eye on them. Now the whole Arab World stays under their rudder. The imperialists have indeed established a status quo of occupation in the Arab World. Multiple military bases, naval fleets, bomber planes, and drones are stationed there to sustain the status quo. The medieval crusaders had to go, but the new crusaders plan to stay.
The imperialists cum crusaders find their security interest in every oil field, gas field, cotton field, waterway, and most importantly even in the Islamic belief of the Muslims. In order to protect such self-declared security interest, they claim they have the right to declare any war or pre-emptive strike against any country or city in any part of the Muslim world. On such self-manufactured pretext, the US invaded and destroyed Afghanistan and Iraq. The mission of destruction didn’t stop there. Syria, Libya, Mali, Somalia, Yemen, and many more countries were added to the list. Any resistance to such imposed war of aggression is called terrorism. And any Islamic resurgence to go back to the prophetic Islam of an Islamic state, sharia, hudud, khilafa, and jihad is perceived as a threat to their security interest. This is their concocted narratives on Islam and Muslims. So, Muslims are being bombed to restrict their Islamic belief and practice. Both the USA and Russia are bombing people to force them surrendering to their hegemony -as Israel is practicing since its illegal creation in 1948.
The status quo of containment
The leaders of the imperialist camps have no quarrel with the brutal killers in the regions like General Abdul Fattah al Sisi of Egypt, the Saudi King, Sheikhs of the Gulf States, and other autocrats. Although they dropped thousands of bombs on innocent civilians but never used a single stone against them. On the contrary, they have forged a close coalition with these killer regimes to pursue a common agenda. The common agenda entails the status quo of autocratic rule, keeping intact the divisive walls in the Arab World, prohibition of basic human rights, obstruction of democracy, and non-implementation of Islamic obligations like an Islamic state, sharia, khilafa, jihad, hudud, and the Muslim unity. Such status quo is indeed the needed infrastructure to keep the Muslim ummah weak, defeated, occupied and away from Prophet (peace be upon him)’s Islam. It is indeed the status quo of contentment of Islam and Muslims. So far, it has shown its full effectiveness in preventing the resurgence of Islam and Muslims as a global power. This is why the anti-Islamic global coalition is very keen to do everything to give sustenance to this status quo. Any attempt to dismantle any element of it is considered a threat to their so-called security interest. They call it a threat to global stability. So the concurrent wars of the various imperialists have become a global war on Islam and Muslims. It is also the war of their own survival as the world’s dominant power.
It is a common strategy of the imperialists to put some humanitarian façades to hide the real intention. After the occupation of Afghanistan, such a façade were the state building, institution building, education, women’s rights, and democracy promotion projects. But how humanitarian causes could be served by dropping bombs, drones, and missiles on the civilian population? They have already displayed their intention by flattening cities, killing men, women, and children, and igniting ethnic feuds. They have poisoned even the innocent environment of the occupied land. The US Air Force dropped depleted uranium and other toxic chemicals on Iraqi cities and villages. Thus they have polluted the soils and water so badly that it will take generations to produce healthy foods and vegetables there –as reported by many international experts. As an outcome of such US crimes, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children are born with birth defects or cancer. The intensity of destruction is unparalleled in whole human history. In Iraq and Syria, the number of war-related deaths has been almost 7 times higher than the deaths by nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Thus, the US barbarity has indeed attained an unprecedented new high. And the killing still continues. This way, the US reveals its own moral death. Only with such moral death, the people in the White House, in the US Congress, and in the media could celebrate such colossal barbarity in Iraq and Afghanistan as “mission accomplished”.
However, in most Muslim countries, the US-led imperialists could also find people with the same moral death to take as partners. Hence, they could readily forge a coalition with them. Therefore, while USA bombers dropped bombs on Muslim cities and villages, they didn’t call it the US bombings. Rather, they labeled it as coalition bombings. It is quite common that even a brutal killer gets plenty of love from his domesticated pets. In the Muslim countries, the imperialists invested heavily to raise such pets with no moral entity. The British did it successfully during their colonial era through its mind-manipulating education system. Hence when the British Army occupied Iraq and Palestine in 1917, most of its soldiers were such pets growing up in the colonies. More than a million domesticated Arabs also joined the British, the French, and the Italian Armies. In most Muslim countries, such a corrupt system still continues. This is indeed the educational, cultural, and ideological engineering projects of the enemies. The prime object of these projects is to produce mercenaries for the enemies. This is why in most of the Muslim countries, there is no shortage of such peoples who love fighting shoulder to shoulder with the foreign occupiers and kill their own people. Hence, thousands of such people in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and many other Muslim countries joined the US-led war. Now in Afghanistan, millions of such people are ready to leave the country.
The new power equation
Russia and the US were known for mutual enmity for ages. In the post-World War era, they couldn’t stay on the same side of any war. They were the enemies in the Korean and Vietnam wars. They were engaged in the Cold War for about half a century. But now they stand together against the Muslims. To truncate the body of Muslim Ummah, the Russian and the Americans work together as the two cutting blades of the same scissors. The US and its partners have a lot of anguish against Russia’s role in Ukraine, Crimea, Georgia, and many other countries; and have imposed an economic embargo on Moscow. But the USA is quite happy with Russia’s role in Syria since it is killing the Islamists and destroying the Syrian cities. Such a Russian role exactly fit into the strategic frame of the US-led crusade. As a consequence, the USA and its partners have even developed a close partnership with Russia to encounter any Islamic resurgence in the Muslim World. They have mutually divided the field of operation in the Muslim land to kill the common targets. And no one enters into another’s domain of crime. Hence when the Russian Army raged the Chechen city of Grozny to the ground and committed a massacre there, Vladimir Putin received a warm welcome in the USA and other western capitals. The Russian Air Force bombed Syria and the USA did the same in Iraq and Afghanistan. Each enjoys the support of the other. They destroyed the cities, villages, roads, houses, and highways indiscriminately and showed no restraint in bombing even the hospitals, mosques, schools, and marketplaces. Most parts of the cities like Ramadi, Tikrit, Kobani, Homs, and Hama are razed to the ground. The Russian jets are dropping massive bombs on historical cities of Syria like Idlib, Aleppo, Raqqa, Palmyra, and many others. Such anti-Muslim global unity of the imperialists is a new phenomenon in the so-called Clash of Civilisation –as was postulated by Professor Huntington in his book. Islamic resurgence in any form and in any part of the world is perceived as a threat to western civilization. But in such a war against Islam, only the Muslims stand divided.
Collaboration with the killers
Promoting peace and tranquillity in Muslim World has never been the aim of these neo-imperialists cum neo-crusaders. They are interested only to prolong their political, ideological, and cultural occupation. They can achieve that goal only through the collaboration of the local clients and de-empowerment of the people. Hence they forge close partnerships with autocratic killers to keep people away from the corridor of power. Therefore to kill democracy and basic human rights of the people, the USA gives 1.3 billion dollars to General Sisi of Egypt, and Russia supplies arms to Bashar al Assad of Syria. President Bashar al Assad has killed more than 300 thousand people and driven out more than 4 million out of Syria. But still couldn’t have any control over the country. The end of the Basher regime in Syria means the end of Russia’s hegemony in the Middle East. So Russia has joined Assad to kill more Syrians and destroy more Syrian cities and villages to protect his oppressive regime.
The moral death: the pathology and symptoms
The Muslim Ummah is in tragic turmoil. It doesn’t owe only to the enemies’ war. The most catastrophic problem is indeed the moral death of Muslims. Physical death has its distinctive signs: the dead man can’t move and respond. But the morally dead people have other sinister symptoms. They can move and respond, but can’t see even the worst crime as crime. Even the ugliest brutality doesn’t touch their heart. Before Islam, because of moral death, the Arab infidels could bury their daughter alive. And today, most Muslims don’t possess the moral ability to condemn even the killer rulers. Rather, they prefer to live under their tyranny.
In the Muslim World, the ruling clique, the political leaders, the intellectuals, and the media elites have mostly died a moral death long before. Hence, they can’t see any crime in such wars of invasion. Therefore, the largest or the second largest, or the third largest anti-war rallies against the US invasion in Iraq didn’t take place in Jakarta, Karachi, Dhaka, Istanbul, or Cairo. It was in London, Rome, and Paris. It is most unlikely that the morally dead people will ever recognize the worst crimes of the criminals. This is why there is no shortage of intellectuals, religious scholars, imams, and academics in any Muslim country to support the rule of brutal tyrants. They even fail to appreciate the Greatness of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. Nor do they see the beauty of His revealed Truth. They even fail to find their own heroes. They fail to recognize the self-sacrificing Muslim heroes who fight the foreign occupiers. Due to such moral death, the people like Nimrod, Pharaoh, Abu Jehel, Abu Lahab couldn’t see even the best attributes of their contemporary great prophets. With such moral death, can they fight the crusaders?
The moral death of Muslims owes to an awful invasive pathology. Men and women attain their moral highness not for physical height, but for moral height. For that, it is indispensable to acquire the Divine knowledge -revealed only to the prophets. It is the only food for the soul. The Holy Qur’an still exists as the final and the most accurate source of such food. About 14 hundred and fifty years ago, the early Muslims could attain the climax of moral health only because of the Qur’anic knowledge. But now the Muslims are on severe starvation of Qur’anic knowledge. Hence the pathology leads to moral death.
Such starvation of souls owes to the long colonial rule of the kuffar imperialists and the rule of home-grown brutal autocrats. They didn’t have any love or any interest to ensure the Divine food for souls. Rather, they did everything to keep Muslims away from that. They advised people to take the Holy Qur’an only as a book of mere recitation, and not for understanding. As a result, Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la’s Holy Sermon couldn’t get access to their souls. Satan doesn’t fail to identify its enemy. In this regard, the colonialists, the secularists, and the autocrats don’t fail either. They know that the Qur’anic knowledge and the prophetic tradition make people incompatible with the un-Islamic rule –irrespective of colonial or home-grown autocratic brand. This is why the tyrants find no support from people with virtue and morality. Hence the open roads for moral collapse. That is through obstructing the Qur’anic education. Most Muslim rulers follow the same road. As a result, the moral deaths have been so massive and so epidemic in the Muslim world. It has turned more than one and half a billion Muslims spineless silent watchers of the worst crimes against Islam and Muslims. Worst of all, millions of these Muslims have turned into collaborators of the imperialists.
The war of aggression is the ugliest crime of humans on the earth. Crimes of the beastly animals are no match to it. Genocide, ethnic cleansing, torturing people, stealing wealth, and destruction of cities, villages, and houses are the parts of it. The US-led coalition of the imperialists stands unparalleled in such crimes. Unsurprisingly, the people with moral death fail to condemn such crimes. Such war crimes stand beyond the scope and imagination of an ordinary murderer. Those imperialists who could kill more than 75 million people in two World Wars, drop nuclear bombs, raze thousands of cities to the ground and killed more than a million in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and other countries can only commit and relish such crimes. Only the people with moral death can approve and rejoice such crimes of the criminals.
But moral death has become so much pervasive that even war criminals get huge support all over the world. A group of weak people can’t challenge or condemn a coalition of powerful bullies. Exactly such a situation has overwhelmed world politics. Hence, instead of condemning, most world leaders support the USA occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. More than 60 countries send soldiers to sustain the invasion. Whereas Islam sets an altogether different binding principle. Opposing, condemning, and eradicating crime is not mere politics, it is a religious obligation. For a Muslim, enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong is a lifelong mission (a’maru bil ma’ruf wa nehi anil mukar) –as has been assigned by Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la in the Holy Qur’an. So, it is forbidden (harm) to be a partner or supporter of a criminal. But it is a mind-boggling reality that those who are the partners of enemies’ invasions and war crimes in Muslim countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and other countries are not the known infidels. They are people with Muslim names. It indeed exposes the extent of calamity caused by moral deaths in Muslims.
The aftermath of moral death
Physical death puts an end to all abilities of a man. He can’t do any good deed; nor can he commit any crime. Moral death doesn’t reduce physical strength. Rather, it enhances the potentials to commit crimes on a cataclysmic scale. All the catastrophic wars, World Wars, ethnic cleansing, and genocides are the works of the people with moral ill-health or moral death. With moral death or moral ill-health, people even with sound physical health eulogize the worst war crimes of the warmongering leaders. This is why those who dropped nuclear bombs didn’t face any condemnation in the USA. In such a milieu of immorality, even a tyrant autocrat can raise a huge genocidal army. So, Adolf Hitler of Germany could raise a huge army and could run gas chambers. And Joseph Stalin of Soviet Russia could commit a huge number of political executions and run thousands of concentration camps. Due to the same moral collapse, the USA didn’t need any animals to drop nuclear bombs.
Since the people with moral health never support and engage in war crimes, imperialists and brutal despots never like them. They also make no mistake to understand that the people with healthy morality are the perpetual enemies against their tyrannical rule. Hence they restrict people’s Islamic or moral upbringing. So they restrict the Qur’anic teaching. Secularisation and de-Islamisation are the two-prong strategies for that. In all ages, such criminal despots stood as the worst enemy of the prophets. Now they stand against Islam and the followers of Islam. To precipitate such moral collapse of men and women, they spread poisonous lies that kill moral conscience. The modern propaganda machinery spread such lies massively. As a result, moral death becomes a wild epidemic. In such a corruptive milieu, truth faces resistance and criminals get popularity. This is why Adolf Hitler was a popular figure in Germany. For the same reason, the war criminals like US President George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair –who launched a genocidal war in Iraq on a false pretext, stayed popular. They could get elected for the second term.
The stern reality
The morally dead people never come to the street to protest or raise any concern against brutalities. The war criminals and the man slaughtering autocrats are very happy with these morally dead people. They call them law-abiding good citizens. And the Islamists those who protest against the crimes are labeled as terrorist. The absence of protest against tyranny is indeed a sure indicator of the moral death of people. The bodies of these people become the coffin of their dead souls. Such people kept tongue-tied silence when thousands of bombs were dropped on the defenseless people of Iraq and Syria by the USA and Russia. The moral degradation has gone so worse globally that the worst war crimes are now endorsed as collateral damage –especially if committed by the winning war criminals.
It is a huge shame on the UNO that the worst war criminals of human history are not put on trial. In an abundance of such unpunished killers, how peace can be attained in the world? The world has turned into a perfect jungle. Here, like a man-eating tiger of a jungle, the powerful criminal enjoys full impunity for its worst crimes. If the USA drops a dozen of nuclear bombs on Muslim cities, still will enjoy the full impunity –as enjoyed previously! None on the earth has the ability to punish such a criminal. The deaths and destruction that are committed by the USA in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria have already surpassed the brutality caused by nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But the USA still stands unpunished! The genocidal killers of the medieval crusades also remained unpunished. So the legacy of the old crusade still survives. This is the stern reality that Muslims face today. 15/08/2021.
ওয়েব সাইটটি এখন আপডেট করা হচ্ছে। আগের লেখাগুলো নতুন ওয়েব সাইটে পুরাপুরি আনতে কয়েকদিন সময় নিবে। ধন্যবাদ।
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- Fazlul Aziz on India: A Huge Israel in South Asia
- Fazlul Aziz on ইসলামী রাষ্ট্রের কল্যাণ এবং অনৈসালিমক রাষ্ট্রের অকল্যাণ
- Fazlul Aziz on বাংলাদেশে দুর্বৃত্তায়ন, হিন্দুত্ববাদ এবং ইসলামী রাষ্ট্রের নির্মাণ
- Fazlul Aziz on Gaza: A Showcase of West-led War Crimes and the Ethnic Cleansing
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Good writing indeed. Crimes of India in Kashmir and of Iran in Syria should be considered also. Without Irani support and Russian air attack, Bashar al-Asad of Syria could not survive. It was obvious that Iran and Russia jointly work to save Bashar regime. Abdus Salam Siddique.