Why not the Muslims Should Suffer from Slavery & Subjugation?

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal

Allah SWT’s sunnah

Can the Muslims deserve any liberty, security and honour in this highly contested world? Probably, not at all. Liberty, security and honour are only for those who deserve that. Since these are highly valued achievements, people must qualify for that and must pay a price for that. But do the Muslims qualify for that? Did they pay any price for that? Certainly, they didn’t. Of course, they are bombed, killed, raped and occupied; but these are not the ways that people pay the price for a dignified status on the world stage. Such suffererings by the hand of the enemies are merely the consequential punishment for not paying the price for liberty, security and honour. Those who want to pay the price they plan for and make huge sacrifices for that. Such an honour never comes to those who survive only as lame ducks.    

 Allah SWT has His own way to run this world. And He has His Own way of punishing people and rewarding people.He never rewards those who show defiance against His commands.  Apart from 5 times prayers, month-long fasting in Ramadan, charity (zakat) and hajj, Allah SWT made two more obligatory rules for every Muslim. Firstly, they must stay united in all circumstances. Secondly, they must stay all time war-ready against the enemies. These obligations are made known in Qur’anic verses and Prophet (peace be upon him)’s practice.

The revelations and the obligations

A Muslim must understand the basic principles of Islam. Whatever commands that come from Allah SWT in the Holy Qur’an become obligatory on every Muslim. And whatever  prohibitions that come from Allah SWT instantly become haram (forbidden) on every Muslim.Defiance against such rulings is forbidden in Islam.  And whoever willfully goes against any of the Qur’anic commands and prohibitions becomes outrightly kafir. Defiance against even a single command is enough to get such a label. Even Iblis didn’t need more than one defiance to become a cursed shaitan. No amount of prayers, fasting, charity and hajj can undo that despised marker. This is the most fundamental teachings of Islam. Therefore, those who show defiance against Allah SWT’s order on unity and war-readiness, can they claim to be true followers of Islam?  Can they deserve any mercy and help from Him?

The command on making unity and the prohibition against disunity come in surah Al-Imran in verse103. It is ordered:

وَٱعْتَصِمُوا۟ بِحَبْلِ ٱللَّهِ جَمِيعًۭا وَلَا تَفَرَّقُوا۟ ۚ

Meaning: “And (O Muslims), hold firmly the rope of Allah (the Qur’an) and do not become divided.”  Can a Muslim ever think to disobey such a clear command of His Creator?  Any disobedience has a heavy consequence. The promise of great punishment for the disunity comes in the same surah Al-Imran in verse 105. It is revealed:

وَلَا تَكُونُوا۟ كَٱلَّذِينَ تَفَرَّقُوا۟ وَٱخْتَلَفُوا۟ مِنۢ بَعْدِ مَا جَآءَهُمُ ٱلْبَيِّنَـٰتُ ۚ وَأُو۟لَـٰٓئِكَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌۭ

Meaning: “And don’t be like those who became divided and showed differences after the clear proofs that came to them. And those are the people who will meet a great punishment.”  And the command for staying war-ready with the highest possible means comes in surah Anfal in verse 60. 

وَأَعِدُّوا۟ لَهُم مَّا ٱسْتَطَعْتُم مِّن قُوَّةٍۢ وَمِن رِّبَاطِ ٱلْخَيْلِ تُرْهِبُونَ بِهِۦ عَدُوَّ ٱللَّهِ وَعَدُوَّكُمْ

Meaning: “And (O believer) take the preparation against them (your enemies) with all possible means of power and with the horses of war. By such readiness, you terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy.”

Muslims’ defiance

But the Muslims failed miserably on both counts. They show defiance against both commands . Instead of making unity, they got divided and now celebrate their divisions. And instead of staying war-ready, they are always ready for quick surrender and embracing enemies as masters.This is why Israel gets recognition and so many friendly countries in the Muslim World.

Allah SWT never goes against His own sunnah. His reward is only for those who qualify for that. Therefore, His own Prophet needed to invest his whole ability to fight and get even einjured in the warfield. And, more than half of his companions had to sacrifice their lives. But today’s Muslims do not follow the Prophet (peace be upon him)’s sunnah.They think that their supplication will be honoured with the victory against enemies.


Learnings from the Jews and the Hindus

Muslims have a lot of things to learn from the Israelis Jews and the Indian Hindus. Every Israeli Jew stays war-ready for every second. They have equipped themselves with the best quality of weapons. They have nuclear weapons. But the Arab don’t know how to make guns and bullets. They are not war-ready either. Most of the Arabs are engaged only in building luxury cities and enjoying life.

In the Prophet (peace be upon him)’s time, every Muslim knew how to fight a war. Every companion of the Prophet (peace be upon him) had all-time war-readiness. Not a single companion stayed from war. Those who stayed behind the war were labelled as munafiq and not Muslim. They had high quality swords, shields, arrows, and horses of their own. Even the Prophet (peace be upon him) himself had many swords and shields in his home. But how many Muslim follow this sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him)? Whereas, it is not only a sunnah, it is a Qur’anic obligation as per above-mentioned verse 60 of surah Anfal.

On the other hand, every Israeli knows how to fight a war. Every Israeli male serves at least 2 years and 8 months in the military. Some of the men need to serve 3 years. Every female serves in the military at least for 2 years.  But how many Muslims are trained to fight a war? How many of them have ever served in a Muslim Army?

Even the Indian Hindus are much superior to Muslims in terms of war readiness and war investment. The per capita income of India is not even 20 percent of many Arab countries. But they built one of the strongest Armies in the world. India has nuclear weapons and modern missile technology. But despite all the wealth, none of the Arab countries has a strong Army. The Indian government also could spend more money to increase people’s luxury and comfort. But they preferred to protect their independence and honour first.

But the Arab Muslims look otherwise. Despite their huge wealth and manpower, they failed to build necessary deterrents against the Israeli attack. Not a single Arab country could give basic human and democratic rights to their people. All Arab countries are ruled by brutal tyrants. The qualified people face restrictions even to serve their country; so they prefer to leave the country.

Every Arab country is an open air prison. And the rulers are no more than prison-superintendent. And the prison mates -whatever may be their number, do not add any strength to the state or the ummah. Therefore 400 millions captive Arabs look helpless and hostage to 7 million Jews of Israel. What could be a worse humiliation than this. They can only blame themselves for this. Even Allah (SWT) does’t help those who do not help themselves.

The Jews were scattered all over the world in different countries. But they became united in the land of Israel. They came to Israel from Russia, Poland, Germany, France, Ukraine, the US, the Middle East, Iran, the US and many other countries. They didn’t know each other’s language and culture. But they solidified their unity.

The Hindus in India have shown their merit, too. There are more than a hundred languages and ethnicities in India. But they are united under one united geopolitical entity. But the Arabs are divided into 22 states despite their same ethnicity, same language, same religion and same geography. And the Muslim Ummah stands divided into more than 50 states.


Waiting for the punishment  

The Jews and the Hindus celebrate their unity; but the Muslims celebrate their divisions. They have fortified their national or subnational boundaries in the name of race, language and geography. The concept of pan-Islamic ummah has no place in their midst. The division of the Muslim ummah into more than 50 states and the division of Arab land into 22 states are indeed the show-cases of total disrespect and rebellion against Allah SWT’s Qur’anic command for unity.

Thus the Muslims duly qualify for the punishment -as promised in sura Al-Imran verse 105. Sometimes Allah SWH deploys devils to deliver the punishment. Infact, Israel and its western masters are in the vicinity to deliver the punishment. Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Sudan and Libya have already tasted their shares of the punishment. Other Arab countries are waiting in the queue. Alllah never fails to punish those who show defiance against His command. And Muslims have already shown enough of the defiance. 28/09/2024

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